
Why do a lot of kids communicate with each other by shouting and swearing all the time?

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I live in a really bad neighbourhood where the children are truly the children of Satan himself. I don't hate kids, but I DO hate bad kids, especially ones that communicate with each other by shouting and swearing.

When I was a child, I never did such a thing. I've always been a friendly and timid person, even now. I certainly never communicated with my friends by swearing and shouting. We talked to each other nicely and were proper friends.

Why do these kids not understand how to speak to each other in English? Why do they always have to shout and swear to communicate with each other?




  1. I would bet that most of  these kids don't have very good parental examples at home! Kids are a product of their environment and follow the example of the adults in their lives.

  2. It is probably the result of little or no parenting. Kids just copy what they hear and see on TV and what they see other people doing in the bad neighborhood. Generally in poor neighborhoods people do not have a good education and that is why the kids cannot speak English very well.

  3. Its parenting. Some parents dont give a darn therefore their children dont either.

    i agree its disgusting!!

  4. Because their parents supply no discipline to

    their young life.

    What these kids need is a good spanking!

  5. A lot of people want to put the way kids are on their home training. The truth is the world has changed, and no matter how well you bring your children up , they still end up like this. Rebellion is worse. Peer pressure is so tough now. I don't get it myself. I listen to even the children from the good neighborhoods talk that way. The bible is fulfilling. Just pray; and if you have any children or plan to, do the best you can to get through to them and teach them the right way to go.

  6. they mirror the conversations they see at home and on TV.

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