
Why do a lot of people abandon their horse questions on here?

by  |  earlier

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What I mean is I've noticed someone will post a question and a bunch of people will answer and the person who asked the question doesn't give feedback of any kind and doesn't seem to ever return for voting or anything. The reason I wonder is because I'll notice certain answerers will spend a lot of thought and time in providing a thorough and informative answer and then be left pretty much unacknowledged in any way. Good or bad. Helpful or unhelpful. Nothing. Sometimes I wonder if the asker even comes back to read the responses. Ha hah!

Is this a generational thing? The older crowd for the most part, as far as I can tell, come back most of the time with something. Now before someone gets upset, there are younger folk who also do and we all know who they are!!!

Or is this more of a 'I did or did not get what I wanted, I'm done with it' thing?

Or is it a "what the heck are these people talking about' thing?

I guess I just like closure so it bugs me.




  1. Yeah, I saw a question once and someone typed like, a 2 page paper answer. But it was one of those abandoned questions. I feel bad for people who actually try to help and put alot of effort in their answers, but never get looked at or anything.

    As for me, I always pick a best answer.

    But not if ALL the answers are just to harass me or when they joke around or say innappropriatae things.

  2. It bothers me too, on two levels.  One, it's not polite.  Two, I often wonder what they did, or planned to do about the problem that was presented....I'm still worrying about their problems long after it appears as though they couldn't care less anymore.  I feel like a shmuck sometimes and wonder why I keep coming back for more.

  3. I know what you mean! I notice people have spent a lot of time and effort trying to help somebody, and the question gets put into the voting section, and someone undeserving winds up getting the best answer. As Black Bunny pointed out, I sometimes don't pick a best answer because either it was an opinionated answer, or there are a couple rlly great answers, and I can't decide between them.

    But it does get on my nerves when that happens!

  4. I will admit that I have, at times, been guilty of "abandoning questions" the simple answer is I post because I do want an answer but then real -life takes over and I get busy and the next thing I know I have an email telling me that I may want to extend the question - I go to check on it and it's in voting.

    Sometimes I do extend them then they disappear and I don't get any emails then I find the email that says it got voted.

    Go figure, maybe I'm disorganized ( but I don't think that's it) I think it's just one of those things.

  5. It bugs me too. I don't really care if I get a best answer or not, but somebody deserves to get the points. A little appreciation for the help would be nice. I think it's mostly kids who do this- maybe they just don't have a decent attention span. What really bothers me, though, is when people do choose a best answer and don't even say thank you. They just say "okay." Or worse, "k." I guess kids don't learn manners anymore.

  6. Sometimes I dont add to a question or chose a best answer because I dont think the answers were what I was looking for, and I dont want to offend anyone by saying so. I leave an answer up to voting when I dont think any of the answers were relivant to my question.

  7. OO OOO OOO I have another one. When you go to answer a good question and they delete the question before you hit the post button. I with you though I like the closure, the finality of things. I am pretty sure its an age thing. They post a question and they started getting answers that they didn't like so they just let it go.  

  8. I know that when I asked the question about rotating wormers, I had so many good answers it was hard to choose and left it up to the voters (And lost 5 points!).

    Some are just lazy I guess.

  9. Yeah it really bugs me atleast pick a best answer

  10. I wonder about that too.  I spent the points and took up part of my day by asking something...then you don't respond??

    ADHD maybe??

    Maybe they don't know how to pick a best answer?  I know my very first question I asked...I messed it up with sending it to voting instead of picking the answer I really wanted.

    Some I don't pick...because they are opinion questions and there is no right or wrong.  But obviously some of these are not that type of question.

  11. I just don't know how to reply on my questions...i know how to put a best answer but not reply.

    do you have to go back and find your own question to reply to it?

  12. I know what your saying, it gets on my nerves quite a bit.  Not to long ago I put a lot of my time and effort into an answer (it was like a few paragraphs long) and the person just put it up for voting.  When I ask a question on here, it's usually because I want to know the answer.  To be honest, I check every time I'm on the pc to see if I got a new response.  If a person asks for more information or something, I can add more details as soon as possible.  It gets annoying after a while when you spend your time helping these people, and they don't even bother at least thanking you at the end.  If they can decide between two awnsers, just pick one and still thank the other people.  I will say that there are some questions that are best off put off to vote, but most are not.  I think I'm over reacting...but I get what your saying...

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