
Why do a lot of people assume...

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that people in the south are stupid?

they think that just because we say "y'all" we're stupid.




  1. Well, I used to live down south and A LOT of people there are quite intelligent. The reason people assume that is because, honestly speaking, when it comes to providing education and test scores, states down south usually rank near the bottom. It is not the student's fault it is that way but usually the states' fault. Most public schools down south are broken up and in bad condition according to what I can say. They are trash compared to schools in Massachusetts and New York (though Harlem, Brooklyn, Queens and Bronx still have some really bad schools).

    That is what it is based on and stereotypically speaking, people down south are racist against certain races. I was Half Asian and most of the kids at my school in Atlanta ignored me and some said some seriously racial things about me. I had to beat up a lot of kids, in Chicago it was not like that.

    Also, the Northeast, Northwest, Midwest and West are more diverse than the South. The South DOES have a lot of jobs coming in its ways though but the North is still richer and has the better economy aka New York City as a prime example.


  3. i don't know..maybe they are just jealous of our sepcial speaking talents

  4. Because you like Nascar.

    Anybody that gets entertained by a bunch of cars going around in a circle a hundred times is a moron.

  5. uh stereo typing is unfortunately a part of life

  6. It's because stereotypes exist everywhere. The best thing to do is just to ignore people who insist on stereotyping others. The only person that looks stupid is the one trying to insult you.

  7. Actually it is alot of reasons to assume the South is stupid, their speech is the last...I would think that Confederate flag S**t is stupid, we only have one  flag in this country..And I have no ideal why they want to keep re-enacting the civil war...A war that they lost and surrendered to...Who keeps playing a game that you must lose each and every time...The amount of child brides in the South well is low-brow as well...I could careless your speech..Many states in the US have distinctive accents...Not to mention thee more horrific acts of slavery, lynching this country is out of the south...The belly of the beast...So no pun intented but

    However it we were to go academically, Southerners states have the most under educated states and then wonder why their poverty rates are so high...But that can be said for Ohio as well...

  8. I am proud to say y'all! People in the north say "wicked" all the time.  

  9. Why do people  assume that people from the North say Wicked?

  10. I think that the people making the assumption are stupid. The South is an economically, culturally, politically, and socially diverse region of the United States. Words like "y'all" are colloquialisms. Using these sayings is not indicative of a person's level of intelligence.  

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