A few seconds after the sperm enters the ova chromosomes start shifting around, and the cell splits.
What you have at that point is:
A - Alive...it takes in nutrients, excretes waste, etc. It fits every definition of Life.
B - Human - no matter what happens, it will never be a tangerine tree or an armadillo. It can only ever be Human
C - Distinguishable from both the mother and father - In other words, the particular arrangement of DNA is unique to that particular live human, and you can tell it's cells from the cells of the ova donor and the cells of the sperm donor.
Now, this is not philosophy, religion or metaphysics. This is hard scientific fact, and not disputable.
Personally, I am now free of any particular religious doctrine. This is not a religious question. I am not concerned with whether the soul exists or when a person is invested with a soul.
What I am concerned about is basic Human Rights.
You are free to argue that some Humans have rights and others don't. You are free to argue that a woman has the right to kill a Human that happens to be inside her.
You are free to argue that some humans are so basically flawed they are not worth allowing to live.
But you cannot argue that Abortion does not take the life of a Human Being.
You just can't.
So, why do so many of you try to do that? Is it because the only way you can argue for killing is to de-humanize the victim? That is typically how people get others to co-operate in Genocide or other atrocities.
But is it really worthy of any educated, sensible person to make such an obviously, scientifically false argument?