
Why do abortion advocates act like "When Life Begins" is a question?

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A few seconds after the sperm enters the ova chromosomes start shifting around, and the cell splits.

What you have at that point is:

A - takes in nutrients, excretes waste, etc. It fits every definition of Life.

B - Human - no matter what happens, it will never be a tangerine tree or an armadillo. It can only ever be Human

C - Distinguishable from both the mother and father - In other words, the particular arrangement of DNA is unique to that particular live human, and you can tell it's cells from the cells of the ova donor and the cells of the sperm donor.

Now, this is not philosophy, religion or metaphysics. This is hard scientific fact, and not disputable.

Personally, I am now free of any particular religious doctrine. This is not a religious question. I am not concerned with whether the soul exists or when a person is invested with a soul.

What I am concerned about is basic Human Rights.

You are free to argue that some Humans have rights and others don't. You are free to argue that a woman has the right to kill a Human that happens to be inside her.

You are free to argue that some humans are so basically flawed they are not worth allowing to live.

But you cannot argue that Abortion does not take the life of a Human Being.

You just can't.

So, why do so many of you try to do that? Is it because the only way you can argue for killing is to de-humanize the victim? That is typically how people get others to co-operate in Genocide or other atrocities.

But is it really worthy of any educated, sensible person to make such an obviously, scientifically false argument?




  1. "Abortion Advocates" are the minority. Most are "Pro-choice"...

    The difference is there, but as with any hot-button topic, each side makes the other out to be the worst of their kind.

    Personally, I don't agree with abortion. But I also don't believe the government needs to be getting involved in that. Pro-Choice.

    Anyway, not many will argue that it is not taking a life.

    But anyone who pays any attention to the world also knows that the likelihood of the supreme court actually overturning Roe v Wade is nil, you your time on the soapbox is pretty much a waste.

  2. I am an OPPONENT of abortion precisely because when life begins IS the ONLY question is the so-called abortion debate.

    If life begins at conception, abortion is the deliberate termination of an INNOCENT human life.  That is the definition of MURDER, is it not?

    If life begins and birth, abortion is morally equivalent to liposuction.  I may not support liposuction, but I have no grounds to stop anyone from having it done.

    If you believe life begins at any time other than conception or birth, please explain how you know if a given child has reached that point.

    Note: It appears you are arguing that life begins at conception.  I agree with you on that point.

  3. No, obviously you are not concerned with basic Human Rights.  There isn't any right much more basic than that over our own bodies.  

    Talk about scientifically false....human and human being are not the same thing.  My toe is human, it is not a human being.  

  4. I completely agree with you.  

  5. Well, I think it's obvious you aren't looking for an answer, you just want to make a point.  Who would seriously reply to this saying,"Yes, I try to de-humanize the fetus so I can rectify being pro-choice."?

  6. No one's arguing that this microscopic cluster of cells is "Human". They aren't penguin cells, or ramen noodles. And yes, they are alive in the sense that they, well, aren't *dead*.

    But as far as intelligent life goes, these cells would lose to the penguin every time in a match of wits. A zygote is unconscious, incapable of feeling pain, and is far, far less developed than the ants you squish every time you walk down the sidewalk.

    But sperm cells are human. Should we save every single one of those, too? I mean, billions of precious human cells die every day at the, ahem, hands of adolescent boys. What do you suggest to end the slaughter?

    And hey--you know what else is a human life? A pregnant woman, one who is so desperate to avoid having a baby that she is willing to undergo an extremely unpalatable and quite often traumatic procedure in order to do so. Forced childbirth can take away the livelihood and even the life of a thinking, feeling, fully conscious human being who has just as many rights as that precious cluster of cells in her uterus.

    So call me crazy, but I place a higher premium on my own life and the life of a woman than a zygote. To put it more kindly: if it were me and little Zygote stranded on a desert island, I'd eat the last coconut--I too believe in the sanctity of human life, but I'm not a nitpicking fundamentalist throwback to the 50's. There is a such thing as pragmatism, even ethical pragmatism.

    Finally, it is certainly unworthy of any "educated, sensible person" to compare abortion to the Holocaust or the destruction and slaughter of Darfur or Armenia--and bad taste besides. Pompousness can't make up for that.

  7. I am so glad I`m not one to argue with facts.

    So many pro-abortion people make it seem like a ball of tissue morphs into a Human Being after it`s born.

  8. What about rape and incest?

    Isn't abortion safer than childbirth?

    Shouldn't every child should be a wanted child?

    Why should somebody have the right to impose their morals on me?

    If abortion is outlawed won't women be forced to go to back-alley abortion clinics?

    Doesn't aborting unwanted children reduce the number of abused children?

    Im just curious. I think all fat people should go on diets but I dont try to impose these ideas on others.

    Its not my place or any one elses place to tell me what I shoud do with a clump of cells that cant live outside of my body. When it can live on its own- it is officially alive then.

    Get off your high horse and let God do his job..

    And If I dont want to carry a baby for 10 months and then give it to someone else thats my right,.

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