
Why do abortion supporters use a euphemism to describe their stance on abortion?

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Pro-choice seems to be a phrase that would be more fitting with consumerism than to describe a position towards abortion.




  1. I agree.

    It is more legal to friggin kill my kid than steal a 24 cent nectarine at my local supermarket.

    Chew on that for a few minutes.

  2. Because we are not pro-abortion. We do not advocate abortion. As a matter of fact you can be morally against abortion, but still be pro-choice. Being pro-choice simply means you believe the government should not make reproductive choices for its citizens. You believe individuals should have the right to make the choice themselves without government intervention.  

  3. they wanted to erase the truth of it, murder...

    murder is sin, so sin must be judge punished

    judgement from self, thru ur conscience, guilt,

    and punishment from above...

    abortion is their way to escape the impact of

    one's mistake... or others mistake(like rape.. or

    incest)but the truth will still prevail

    and scripture is so clear, "Ur sin will find u out.."

  4. "Abortion supporters" is incorrect.  Nobody is advocating abortion, merely the right to access.

  5. I don't think that pro-choice people are pro-abortion, they just don't want the goverment telling them what they can and cannot do. I am pro-life and, personally, want an end to all abortion, but I can see where they are coming from. The only thing that bothers me is that it is not their body that they are aborting. Colonel Reb gave a great example of how the baby was not a part of the mother's body. He said something along the lines of this, "If it really was the mother's body, then why, in some cases, does the mother's blood attack the baby's blood as if it were foreign?". He is right. The mother is just a temorary home for the first 9 months of the baby's life.

  6. I think your assessment is very interesting. I never thought about it that way before but the term pro-choice has always seemed wrong to me.  

  7. I say if you cant see your self being with that person for a LONG time and possibly having kids then you probably shouldnt be having s*x with them in the first place.

    Also some people just arent intelligent enough to have kids, or even have s*x responsibly  

  8. Pro-Choice people aren't pro abortion, they feel that people have the right to choose an abortion if they want.

  9. Because people who support a woman's right to choose are in favour of choice, and that's why it's called 'pro-choice'.

    Cheers :-)

  10. I think a more realistic term would be pro-baby killing

  11. You shouldn't be getting women pregnant really. Double wrap if you have to. Don't ever trust a woman with your sperm-- I really don't care what her stance is on the issue of abortion.  

  12. The abortion argument is all in where you draw a moral line, religious or personal belief system own this argument, until you reach later term abortions where the zygote,baby, etc has an advanced enough nervous system to feel pain. But I guess then it is still a moral issue, I dont believe abortion should be totally taken off the table because people would start doing it illegally again, which was not safe. Then you have the Rape victim argument, but in all instances I think there should be mandatory counceling offered for this kind of procedure before it is preformed. Also I agree with the right to my own body argument, and I do not like the idea of the government legislating my reproductive rights, also I hear so many deragatory statements about abortion that it makes me sad to be human to be in the same species as rude people like that, because most of those making them have never and quite possibly be in that situation and have to make a difficult decision, and I dont understand why these people claim to be prolife but totally trash on people who have had abortions or thinking about them, if this going to prove your pro life point it isnt working, would you listen to someone who speaks hate speach and not love or compassion, I'm 99% sure you wouldn't. I used to be prolife and then I started hearing the arguments and seeing their true colors and I don't want to be associated with them, because most of the prolife tatics I see on a continual basis are guilt tripping propaganda to convince someone how worthless they are because they are thinking of abortion.

    But to each his own.

  13. Pro = for, choice = choice it's not that hard...

    Maybe you would like to live in a country where such things are forced on a person but the majority of sane people don't.

  14. its called pro choice because you think it is a woman's right to get an abortion if they want one. no one is for baby killing

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