
Why do accidents take so long to make a decision?

by  |  earlier

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Are they trying to come up with some good excuses or something.




  1. Many people think insurance is all black and white.  There are many scenarios, extenuating circumstances and a lot of gray areas.  You have people that don't want to admit fault, giving false statements.  It's in your best interest that they take the time to get all the facts prior to deciding fault.

    To smokingst: if there was no insurance companies involved, this question wouldn't be here  

  2. lady at the top. What if nether party had insurance?

  3. Do you mean to ask why Insurance companies take so long to make decisions after an accident ?  I guess it because they must thoroughly investigate.  ...Accidents don't make decisions

  4. no, they are investigating.  many people think the police determine fault, but they don't.  its up to the insurance companies to do that after they investigate.  they are not going to pay a claim that their insured is not liable for.  this works for you and against you depending on if you were at fault or not.  they also have to determine what is covered and what is not and how much the property damaged is worth, etc...

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