
Why do adoptees and their families have to deal with the abortion issue?

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How does abortion even come into adoption when a child is born? Why do the prolife people forget about those already living?




  1. I have never in my life heard so many people telling adoptees to be glad they weren't aborted than here on Yahoo!Answers.  And I honestly do not know where it is coming from especially since my firstmom never had any intentions of aborting me.  I feel sorry for adoptees who grew up being told this.  I cannot imagine.  My adoptive parents never said this to me and would never dream of saying something like this to me.  It is just cruel and scary.

    It's not something that has any basis in reality.  Children can not be relinquished until after they are born.  The decision is not to abort or to place it's to parent or to place.

    To tell any adoptee child or adult to be happy or grateful they weren't aborted is just cruel and unfair and has little basis in reality.

  2. It's such convoluted thinking, as if a woman truly wants to have an abortion, then adoption is never part of the picture.  Adoption cannot be a part of the picture without a baby having been born.

    But, there are always going to be those few people who have negative thoughts about the illegitimate bad seed children born from those lower class types.  Considering that society should hardly want them, they ought to just be grateful for whatever scraps they are given, and whatever harm they haven't received.

  3. People who were adopted are just overly sensitive to the subject of abortion because... well for obvious reasons. I for one respect the choice people make for their own bodies. But I can understand why adoptees are sensitive about it. But I do hate it when they get aggressive over it. You can't fix the world. Even back when abortion was illegal people were getting them. I don't think it will be stopping anytime soon.

  4. I can answer that one very easily- now this is my opinion- maybe not all adoptees or people that have adopted.  I am both-  I was adopted and have 2 adopted children- and we our birth moms aborted we would not be here.  That is one side of the issue- that I think is very obvious- however if I was not adopted or have 2 adopted children- I would still be pro-life.  I counseled women who are pregnant for over 10 years and I can tell you that many of those who cannot raise their children would much rather abort than adopt- -  I do not forget about those already living- however I would not be living myself if I was aborted

  5. There have always been insults hurled at b******s. We used to hear things like, "bad-blood," or maybe someone was called "an adopted." And there was always the more common, "illegitimate," title.

    Today hurling "abortion" at someone is a more acceptable way of keeping people in their place.

  6. i have always been pro choice and i have no problem tellin people i would have rather been aborted than deal with the people that got me again. but at the same time i'm here so ima try to be hapy while i am. some adoptees feel the same way but other than that the one doesn't have anything to do with the other. and your right instead of herassing the abortion clinics they need to herass the people that give us to complete nut jobs. but what do i know i'm just "ungreatful".

  7. I dont believe that abortion comes into adoption at all. I think people assume it does, because they assume that adoption was a choice that was prefferd from the birth mother. People dont seem to understand that different birthmothers, have different reasons for giving up a child. It just comes with the subject, and unfortunatly, there is nothing we can do about that. Personally, it doesnt bother me, as I dont believe that abortion is totally wrong and I am not 100% against it. I do not think It has any ties with adoption though.

  8. Amy,

    forgive me but i am confused by your question.  Are you saying that the pro-life people don't have enough programs to help women who chose not to abort?

    If so, i've thought the same thing myself.  I've struggled and my daughter is struggling but jeez, if she had been seen near a clinic, they would've been all over her there but where are they now?  I heard something about the Catholic Church is trying to solidify their position with this and offer more assistance . . .i don't know if that means sway them towards adoption or not (and you know that i don't think that's a bad thing lol) but overall, i think i agree with you if i've got your question right.

  9. ignorance.

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