
Why do adults have a myspace account

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I am talking about 30 plus




  1. Because they can handle it, and won't be swayed by a 50 year old, who just wants to rape a teenager.  

  2. Myspace has been around for quite a few years. People who were teenagers when it started are now in their 20s, and there was no age limit established for the site. Most college educated adults prefer facebook.  

  3. Because their real life sucks.

  4. I am and adult.  And I don't have a my space account.

  5. why not?  its a good way to meet people too, there are some single 30 year olds in this world

  6. Because they like to socialize just as much as us..

    Hey, I'm gonna have my Myspace account 'til I'm 70 ;-)

  7. Because the internet has allowed for highly sophisticated manners of communication, such site has allowed for rapidly updated unity without the need for high-cost telephony and older methods of communication and solidarity.  The advent of the internet has allowed for many great things (particularly in the era of the high cost of crude oil).

  8. They are not very mature I guess.  I don't care for Myspace.  I have an account but I honestly think I am too old for that garbage.  I have it set to 'private' and I only use it to exchange photos with friends and relatives and to say hello to them.  

  9. either to spy on their kids or they want to meet people cuz they're single

  10. If you want to network with children exclusively buy a Webkinz, then you can join that social networking site.

  11. Because they have friends and use the internet like everyone else.  Did you expect them to be sending telegrams to one another?

  12. Myspace is a social netwrok. Anyone can have an account.

  13. Just to make you uncomfortable.

  14. b/c, the same reason young people do.  

  15. To keep track of their kids and their kids friends, also their neices and nephews.  

  16. MySpace is just a place for people to meet and talk. It is easy to find people you know! Actually there are probably more older people on there than younger.

  17. why do 20 somethings? I myself am 30 something, i actually do it for my 2nd job as a promotional tool. But for most people it's to network and meet people just like anyone else, you don't change as much as you think in your 30's as you think you will.

  18. I'm a 33 year old woman with a MySpace account.  I don't have it for me.  I have it for my friends.  The only people I have as friends are people I actually know, and a couple groups that are related to my interests (volunteer and health related groups).  I do not accept "friends" I do not know, nor to I initiate contact with anyone outside of my friends list unless I have a specific reason to.

    Does that answer your question?

  19. Why do kids post here?.

  20. Networking is not restricted by age.

    More than half of MySpace visitors are now age 35 or older.  Demographics suggest that Facebook is skewing younger.

  21. Because middle aged people have friends too.

  22. I think the better question is really "Why do teenagers have a MySpace account?"  It's not like they've been out in the world and have a bunch of friends who've moved away and that they haven't seen in years.  If you see someone every day at school, being friends with them in cyberspace seems sort of pointless. . . doesn't it?

    I don't know about anyone else around here, but I find it really cool to be able to sort of still keep track of classmates from college I haven't seen in years thanks to MySpace and Facebook.  I'd never talk to them or probably even know if they were still alive otherwise.  Too bad not many of them are on either site, though, since they were just getting started in popularity around the time we all graduated.

    At least most adults have the good sense to set their profiles to private to keep out the online weirdos and only "friend" people we've known in real life.  A lot of teenagers don't seem to be able to handle that kind of responsibility.

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