
Why do adults say that ppl that r 14-16 r too young for dating?

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why do adults say that 14-16 ppl are too young for dating and stuff like that?

it really annoys me!




  1. Haha idk that sucks for peoples parents that do! They are just too protective and maybe they have had some bad experiences on dating to young or know someone who has! My parents Let me date like in 6th grade lol so idc what to say really but sorry for those who's parents are like that!

  2. because at that age you only consider pregnancy and not other debby downers such as herpes, AIDS, and other STDS of that nature.

    and also your going through a phase of "everyone hates me!" and "s***w the world!" so your mentally and emotionally not prepared for relationships other than family and friends.

  3. yeah its really annoying

    maybe they dont want us to have fun (LOLV)

    y arent u on IM?

    do you hate me or sumthing lolp?

  4. I assume your 14-16?

    Well in a few years once you figure some things out you will know why.

    Until then, just be friends with girls.

  5. im 17 and my parents think im too young to date. if you are 14-16 you cant even drive where are you going to do on ur date. the park? wait until your older

  6. im 14 and i agree

    i mean ya some kids r age mess upand get pregnent and it causes some drama

    but i think having someone u really like n ur life at 14 makes things easier..

    adults just dont take the time to think about how we feel and how just cuzz were dating doesnt mean the guy only wants one thing.

  7. it annoys me too. Who are they to say that you can't fall in love?

    They're old fashioned. Think about it, it was thirty five years since my parents were my age (16). Things were different then.

    But... I've never had a failed relationship. My boyfriend and I have been together for almost a year, and are still going strong. So... I'm lucky to have found the right guy.

  8. Because at that age there are many things kids don't understand about relationships.  That's why their inexperience makes them more prone to get hurt, pregnant or whatever.  Focusing on finish High School would be the smartest thing to do.  You can still hang out with girls/boys but don't get into anything serious.

  9. CAUSE U R!!!!!!

    ur stupid...relationships when u r that young, arent relationships, they are either all about lust, or are too shy to do anything so u r just friends...Its stupid...wait until u are out of highschool, and then get into a relationship, and u will see what they mean! U dont know what u r talking about if u think that havein a gf at that age is really like haveing a gf, in college!

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