
Why do advocates for illegal immigrants consider fraudulent documents the same as running a stop sign?

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Or read further-“I think we’re all illegal in some way,” Yarger said. “We have crashed through red lights, slipped through stop signs, driven over the speed limit,” Yarger said. “We’ve all broken the law, I would expect in many ways, but it’s usually because we’re in a hurry. It’s not because we’re trying to feed our families or to give our children an education.”

Yarger and dozens of others gathered at Vance Monument to show support for workers arrested during a raid Tuesday morning. Agents with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement raided Mills Manufacturing, arresting 57 workers they said entered the country illegally and used fraudulent documents to get work. Note what this guy says-“We have groups like this who are standing here fighting for illegal aliens while we’re trying to fight a war and our people are getting killed trying to protect our rights and rights for people to do that,” Penland said. “These people should not be allowed to protest, unless they’re protesting something for our country, not illegal aliens.”Note what this guy says-“We have groups like this who are standing here fighting for illegal aliens while we’re trying to fight a war and our people are getting killed trying to protect our rights and rights for people to do that,” Penland said. “These people should not be allowed to protest, unless they’re protesting something for our country, not illegal aliens.”

Now do you note that document fraud is not considered a crime by advocates for illegals ?“This has actually been a detriment to our community to take those jobs away from those individuals and scare the whole Hispanic community and keep them from feeling like they can be out here and open in the public.”Gezzzzzzzzzz maybe we should just open all the jails and prisons so the whole prison and jail community want be feeling like they cannot be free and be out here and open in the public.”Why do we have even have laws ?




  1. sorry but i didnt read all that but illegal immigrants are stupid! and americans have to learn french and spanish is so g*y i mean if you dont speak the language get the fxck outta the country!!

    cause i mean they dont HAVE to learn english over there but by god they make us learn spanish and french here and put it in 3 languages in instruction manuals .... GAYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. People come to the US looking for a better life. Call it illegal but i see nothing wrong with escaping devestating poverty in a country with no jobs for the able bodied.

    If you lived in some 3rd world **** hole in Central America i bet you'd consider illegally immigrating to the US if you couldn't do so legally.

  3. Is this even a question, or just you expressing your opinion?

  4. Because they know that when US companies want cheap labor they "send" the fabrics for Mexico for $2-$3 per day pay.However,that's not the biggest problem.They do that and then let the workers walk,take bus at midnight and that is no,no in a Latin Country.Why don't you google how many young girls got raped and killed after work from a US own corporation?Why should I have a problem with Mexicans coming to US to make a better life when ARROGANT US companies don't care about their basic safety juts to save a $ for YOU  

  5. I wish I knew the answer to that one. They seem to think it ok to just make up a number or "borrow" one from a citizen. Or go down the street and buy fake papers,doesn't matter if those fake papers have someone else's name on them. I know someone that had their disability benefits put on hold until she proved that she wasn't working when someone thought it was ok just to use her number to work.

    Document fraud,identity theft and entering the country without documentation is not the same as speeding.

  6. Yeah - being an American means nothing these days - except that you can get a free ride on everything if you're illegal. Soon they'll be allowed to vote too.

  7. It is because the advocates fail.

  8. At this rate I expect to hear. "well we all kill a person or two" and another murderer will be set free. It's amazing what left wing atty's will do to circumvent the constitution....Look at OJ!

  9. Of course it's considered a crime. But it's a crime that most people would willingly commit in order to protect their children from the starvation, disease, and extreme poverty that exists in many countries.

    Nobody wants there to be illegal immigration. The problem is that there's so many illegal immigrants in this country that we cannot catch them all.

    Do we do the best we can with deportation, while allowing the illegals to be taken advantage of by businesses? I used to work at a place that used a cleaning service. The cleaning service only hired illegal immigrants, which they would then refuse to pay. Consider, also, that some illegal immigrants came over here with their parents when they were just babies. They have no knowledge of the country they were born in, and are virtually indistinguishable from someone who was actually born in the US. And some illegal immigrants do not even know they are illegal immigrants. Many people think that a visa allows them to stay here permanently.

    There is currently no way for an illegal immigrant to become a legal immigrant without leaving the country--and we are unable to get every illegal immigrant to do so. We need to come up with some sort of solution because ignoring it won't make it go away.

    My suggestion? Secure the borders. Direct attention away from catching the illegals that are here to preventing more from coming in. Create a path to citizenship--allow illegal immigrants who are fluent in English to join the armed forces and after honorable discharge or death in the line of duty, grant citizenship to them and their children and permanent residency to their spouse.

  10. I think that your information is mistaken  

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