
Why do african americans....?

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MUSICA: well sure we took African Americans from Africa, well the majority of them were sold by the Africans them selfs. Well Jews are s/m of the most educated and wealthy people out there and they were killed by the millions and they dont pull that card out every time they want something.




  1. to girl above you weren't kidnapped you were sold by your own black people to the americans

    anyways i agree though people have been through way more.. some of my family died in the holocaust and i don't hate germans i don't act like my life is different because of it..

    but i don't experience racism so i can understand that

    to person below I AM NOT A JEW! do you know that not only jews were affected during the holocaust, i was talking about myself i wasn't talking about people who were affected by the holocaust in general, for me i can move on and the people i know who that happened to has moved on

    by the way they put those memorials there because it was a horrific war and what those people went through, a sign of respect and not to forget them, not to shove it in others faces

  2. Because it is very beneficial to them.

  3. I really wish we would stop this. At least I try my best not to do this, and not to view all my problems as "because I am black"

    What concerns me mroe however, is why all blacks must be democrats? And since the democrats are linked with liberal Ideas then all blacks are liberals?

    I know I'm not that much of a liberal.

  4. Isn't it interesting that nearly every question about race...the person claims is not racist.  Please.

    First of all, none of the African Americans I know were on his side. Most of the black people I know didn't even focus on this news story all that much.   However, they did make more of a bigger deal of Michael Vick than of how many of our soldiers (of all races) are getting killed in Iraq!  So what's wrong with this tell me.

    Mexicans are NOT getting along "just fine" like you claim.  Do you not read the newspapers like the Los Angeles Times or the Miami Herald or any paper in Texas? Why don't you try it sometime and then you'll see there is still a considerable amount of discimination against Latinos in the US..and a lot of issues concerning immigration, both legal and oherwise.

    Yes, some Asian groups are doing better than others...witness the apparent success of Japanese Americans vs struggling Vietnamese Americans...but by no means do all Asians fit the "model minority" stereotype.

    As for the Irish, there is still a fair amount of the "lace curtain vs shanty" thing still going on, but not to the extent of the pre-Kennedy days.  

    There are still issues with the way Native Americans are treated, too. There are still treaties being just doesn't make the newspapers, that's all!

    So no, it's not just Black people who are hurt by racism and discrimination, that is true...but it doesn't mean we start blowing off racism against Black people (or anyone else) either just because you feel uncomfortable (or perhaps guilty?)

    and finally, tell me how are Black people treated "like everyone else" when people and the media CONSISTENTLY have to bring up race whenever the deeds or misdeeds of black people are brought up? and their race is brought up a LOT more than any other racial or ethnic minority!


    As for the comment re: Jews complaining about the Holocaust....

    Once again, more disinformation!

    Jewish people are constantly (and rightfully) reminding us NOT to forget the Holocaust.  Why do you think the state of Israel was established in 1948? Look at the various Holocaust memorials established all over the world! Look at the movie Schindler's List.  Yet, this is yet another thing in history people want to sweep under the ru and pretend didn't happen. I find it appalling that as many as 20% of high schoolers actually believe that the Holocaust never happened! There are any number of Holocaust deniers/revisionists out there and they ought to be ashamed of themselves!

    No, the bottom line is that some WASPs, especially those in power, simply want to throw up a wall, turn their backs, plug their ears and say "la la la I don't want to hear it"...

    when they are the ones who need to hear it most!


    Not all Jews are rich!  Yet another stereotype.  Get some education why don't you?  and asking for LEGITIMATE issues to be addressed is NOT pulling the "race card."  

    The more you claim you're not a racist, the more you are proving you are with your weak arguments!

  5. I guess they all have to stick together even if the cause is wrong.

    Remember the O.J. trial? A lot of Blacks thought he was innocent and turned the trial into a 'race issue'. They even celebrated and paraded the streets after the verdict.  

  6. They actually had PRO Mike Vick rallies here in Atlanta, how silly is that especially considering the fact that the trial was up in Virginia.  Talk about empty gestures and showing your stupidity.

    Back to your answer, it is the same reason that they are turning out in droves for Obama for.  All they see is "he looks like me" they don't care what he did or will do.  They are too simple to use more complex reasoning skills and have to break it down to the lowest common denominator and it happens to be skin color.  They have been conditioned since birth to blame everything on racism even their own misdeeds.  Even Whoopi Goldberg said publicly that dog fighting was part of Vick's culture.  I don't believe for a minute that black culture involves dog fighting, crime, or any other thing gangsta rap glorifies I know the too many decent upstanding black people.  It may however be a part of N wor culture, there is a big difference between a N word and a black person, but if you want to act like a N don't get offended when people call you one.

    The bottom line is right is right, wrong is wrong and we all know the difference.

    Evidently the notion of personal accountability makes me a racist?

  7. i agree with der man

    but these days a whole lot of black people just call themsleves african american but have racial views of africancs themselves especailly kids and all that.

    some people still think africa is a country where people hunt lions and that's chase monnkeys. some people don't even like calling themselves african but like african american because of the rap music and all that.

    but black people still think whites owe them and all that so racism aint going anywhere soon.

    that's just how life willl be

  8. To make a long story short Being an average Black male in this country is hard and you are treated strereotypically and are discriminated against or racially profiled regularly..... the only reason Michael Vick got so much overexaggerated publicity was because he was Black and whites were happy to catch him doing something wrong although Dog Fighting is a sport.. look at Wesley Snipes his Dark skin got him locked up for tax evasion quickly but whites money launder millions and IF they get caught spend little time in jail............ it all stems from slavery and racism

  9. African Americans have been unequally and unfairly treated since we were kidnapped and brought to this country against our will only the.......... outright Openness of this treatment has changed


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