
Why do african americans treat others so bad?

by Guest62231  |  earlier

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I hate racist people Im not at all one. Why do African American treat other racist. Why give other people a hard time, Sometimes i want to make friends with African American but i have to be very careful about what i say I dont know what did i do when suddenly they get angry and always say this Always! "just because im black your like this

" WHY?




  1. wow.ohk.

    i dont think i treat others badly

    unless they do something to me but other than cool with everyone.

    dont pass judgement on just a few people you associated with.not all african american people are like that.

    you said they always say "just because im black your like this"

    truthfully that doesn't make any sense and i doubt every black person you've encountered with said that.

    really i do think this question is a lil racist

    (im sure others will think otherwise)

    but if i was in your situation i would just leave it alone.

  2. Many of them have a chip on their shoulder.  Not all of course.  But realize, some of them are raised by parents who pretty much tell them that they are nig**** and aren't worth anything and that all whites are racist.  So, you have that drilled into you all your life and it's going to affect how you treat others.  And also most black homes are incomplete...usually no father figure present.  

  3. I hope I understood your question.

    But when you ask...its like your saying all of us : (

    But my friend she is white and very smart. But her humor sometimes go into race but to me it is funny but I can tell to others it wouldn't be, even one of her youtube finds about blacks I was like ok then in my mind because I know she is a great person and to her some white guy dressed in drag talking gross ghetto to the max is funny, was sorta insulting but I didn't say she was racist, just has special humor at times. But she is never careful with me and I like how she is herself and would never want her to change, but not all of us...ok?

    But it depends on where you live also. If you move here deep will not get nice white people if your black, but I never said I hate all white people or ask why are white people like this.

    But you sound nice : )

    Also to the poster below your also right and read a study blacks have to work harder then whites in anything we do, and a lot of hurtful things have been and still are being said today. But things are getting better right? But then again I don't go out much to know...

  4. What goes aroud comes around I see. You know you learn most your attitudes from your parents and African Americans today have inhertied this gerudge against white people from slavery all the way up to 1965 where African Americans were considered second class citizens they have only been treated fairly for the last 43 years while African Americans have been in America for a total of 389 years. So this grudge could last for another 100 years I guess.

  5. lol you obviously don't know me then. or anyone else who isn't like that

  6. Well to start with you sound like instead of treating people as people you are labeling people. I would bet that you talk different to people according to their race. Just talk to people as people. Be yourself no matter who you are around.

  7. That has nothing to do with being of any particular race or ethnicity, it is just touchy people whom are wound up too tight and find everything is directed to them and take all personally, i stay away from this type of person as I am not about to be checking myself on all I do or walking on eggshells to please no one and their annoyances.

  8. for the same reason anybody treats others badly, some people are just jerks.  Luckily, this is actually a small portion of any group

  9. Why does Bush kill white people in Irak?

  10. I don't know what you can do, they used to be such good naggers back in the day

  11. because they have been racially discriminated long ago. and still feels that way every time they hear something not so good esp. from the whites.we can't blame them but they should try to be a little open minded because we're all equal now.

  12. I'm black, so i'm going to tell you why...

    My people has always been treated unfairly, and we're so defensive because everyone tries to control us and criticize us.. Just imagine the pain and suffering my ancestors went through, and that still and always will live inside our hearts generation to generation.. It's always about color, so that's something we need to get use to..

    Life would be so much better for my people if we had the same freedom as you (whites) did and have..

    We have to work harder because we're always criticized by "your people" and when you (whites) say something rude or disrespectful, it's annoying and it's hurtful, can you blame us for getting defensive?

    You can''t even imagine how it feels.. so deal with it...

  13. because they think there above the law cause if you say any thing to them its racist but if they say anything to you it doesnt matter at all!!!!!!!

  14. Ummmm...

    Well I'm half black/half asian. I know both sides.

    What your doing right there is stereotyping. "Why do African American treat other racist". Well even though your grammar is atrocious. (Though I'm not a grammar n**i)

    Stuff like that can tick people off.

    Just say black guy/girl. Depending on your tone, it can be considered racist. No joke lol.

    Remember, each culture is very different from one another. So...try to be cautious still.

    You've met well...a bunch pricks. So what? Their in all races. Just don't worry about it. Shrug it off.

    Well why? I don't know why. It's something your doing, or something they're reacting to.

    Just don't worry about it.


    But seriously, watch those generalizations. They can get you into trouble.

  15. Its because other people often discriminate against african americans.  

  16. It isn't all of them,

    just a few.

    They probably are self concious of their colour,

    wondering whether people judge them for it or not.

    They are sometimes portrayed as a criminal or unsafe if compared to a white person.

    They are used to being treated differently,

    or they just expect it even though people are becoming more accepting.

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