
Why do airlines announce that a seat can be used as a floatation device when traveling across land?

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Odds are you are going to smash right into the ground or a mountain.....not much good a floating hunk of an uncomfortable chair is going to do there. Plus, how much good is the chair going to do when it is attached to the floor and is completely encased in a plane.......

Someone should have thought this idea through.....




  1. First of all, its only the seat cushion that floats, not the entire seat. The seat cushion can be removed from the seat easily by lifting it off, as it is only attached by velcro.

    Second that announcement is required by government authorities regardless of where the plane actually goes.  Just like the flight attendants have to show how to use the seat belts every darn time the plane takes off.  If people do not know how to use seat belts by now, perhaps they should have stayed in their caves...

    And true, the chances of skipping gently across the water with the plane intact and swimming out with your cute little seat cushion "floatie" is pretty remote, but I suppose its better to think "optimistic" before you leave the ground... You'll notice they make that announcement BEFORE they take off (wink wink)

  2. well its easier to grab ur seat cushion than panic of what not to do n u can get out as fast as possible

  3. You could easily crash into a lake.

  4. They have to. It's an FAR. (federal aviation regulation). They even say something like "In the rare ocassion of a water landing..."

  5. Easier to train one briefing for the FAs. They say the same thing every time. Called, "standardization". Does no harm anyway does it.

  6. The airlines don't say the "seat" or "chair"--they say the "seat cushion."

    --Made a regulation after planes went off the ends of runways into rivers and bays.  Remember?

    Couldn't you have thought this through a little?

  7. The seat cushion can also be used to protect yourself from a Jihad-brained skyjacker with a boxcutter, while you get into a position to kick the c**p out of him.

    Oh wait, this doesn't answer the question, and I certainly don't want to violate the golden rules.

    There are several lakes that are big enough to warrant a flotation device, and logistically, it doesn't pay to have several  different announcements. I hope than was an answer (whether good or not will be evident by all the thumbs downs) to this very interesting aircraft topic.

  8. A lot of houses have swimming pools in the back yard these days.  It's always good to be prepared.  =)

  9. Somebody DID think this thing trough. First of all, it is the seat CUSHION that can be used as a flotation device. Second, there is a lot of water around. 71% of the Earth is covered by ocean, and there are lakes and rivers all over. Thirdly, I suggest that you actually read the emergency info card in the seat back in front of you, as the flight attendant suggested that you do. The info in it may save your life.

  10. The answer is that more than a few airports inland and otherwise are located either on or really close to bodies of water and since most air crashes happen on either takeoff or landing  having  a floatation device available to you when you find yourself in that water could save your life.

  11. There are lakes and rivers on land. Plus they want to inform you of the safety features on the plane. Furthermore, the seat cushion is removable from the stationary chair.

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