
Why do airplanes have headphones with two pins?

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Its just something i've always wondered. Whenever i've been on planes they have a socket with two pins as opposed to the single headphone jack that comes with other appliances like Ipods. So is there a reason for this or is it just so they can try and sell their own headphones?




  1. The passenger two pins of the older airlines used to work off pressure.  They were larger and black about the diameter of a pencil.  You could put your ear up top the end of the armrest and hear if you turned the volume up.  There were two of them, one for each ear.

    The newer ones are usually set up the same way with one side for each ear, you can still use your own, and you are only able to hear out of one side.  I imagine they do this for the reason you suggested.

    Also the last answer covered about the cockpit headsets if that was what you were asking about.

  2. to prevent the passengers from taking them home...

  3. one pin is transmission , and second is receiver

  4. I remember these headsets being free on Air Canada, and we were even told to keep them for 'sanitary reasons'. So it's not a money grabber nor to prevent stealing (in Canada anyway...).

    It must be cheaper to make a two-pronged device than a complex, single prong.

    For a few bucks, you can pick up a multi-to-single prong converting piece at electronics shops, I have like 4 sitting around (can never find one when I'm about to fly, so I keep buying more!).

  5. Are you asking about the headphones we use in the cockpit, or the ones the passengers use in the cabin?  It's difficult to tell from your question.  The cockpit headphones have two plugs because one is for the headphones, for hearing, and the other is for the microphone, for talking.

    Why the cabin seats sometimes have two pins, that I don't know.  However, once on a flight I got a headset that had an adapter for two pins, and I've kept in with me just in case.  Hope that helps you.

  6. I have absolutely no idea and I have always wondered this myself. My three guesses are that it has to do with power/voltage for noise canceling  headphones (most likely, since I often see the two terms together), some kind of left/right audio issue (unlikely), or they are simply created to sell those 2-pin adapters (plain evil).

  7. Most of the airlines I fly on lately have a standard plug. I use my own earphones.

    I have not seen a 2 pin for many years. which airline is this?

    IF, some are still using it, I would guess so they can charge for them and sell them for movies.

    Also, if you look at those with 2 prongs, you'll notice they are not electrical plugs, they are just hollow tubes. The speaker is in the armrest and the sound just goes up the tubes into your ears.

  8. Theyhave two pins, so that pasengers dont steal them. If they had one pin, then these head phones could also be used in your ipod or discman or in most equipment. This is most probably the reason why they use two pins.

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