
Why do airports have such a weird smell? do you like it?

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Why do airports have such a weird smell? do you like it?




  1. What airport. Ton Se Nuit in South Vietnam in 1969 smelled like charchole smoke when I got off that C141.

  2. smells like a paycheck to me.

  3. big airports for people - mostly the smell is from the JET A fuel burning. also the trash (peoples dump, p**s etc) that is being transported leaks from time to time

  4. Love it, it means im going on holiday!!!!!!!!!!!!   Or coming back but im usually so tired by then i dont notice the smell.

  5. I don't think it's raw fuel, I think it's burned fuel from the jet engines and APU units in the aircraft that provide electrical power.

  6. Its always new

  7. Airports often have new interiors. I know they replace carpet fairly often. Personally, I love the smell. It isn't the smell itself, but that I associate it with travel, which I love.

  8. Kerosene, jet fuel. I like airports, since I like to travel.

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