
Why do alarmist/extremist have a hard time answering simple questions?

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I ask if any studies/modeling had been done with biomass heat distribution. Here are some replies

(1.) "biomass", if you mean the mass of all living things, in clearly insignificant.

(2.) cute

(3.) The other was the incomplete Kreb's cycle...." which was a moot point anyway"

I would have been happy with a yes, no or maybe...the only real science came from skeptics,who I did learn from. What do you think about thier science/logic? Misleading maybe or just missing a few brain cells?




  1. Do you have a real question??

    And if you have such difficult or you say simple answers, there is this little legendary thing called GOOGLE!!!!

  2. Who knows.... Maybe they lit a joint once to many. Lol

    But then again... It's probably just a trend in misinformation.

  3. They need to contact al gore, the master liar for information.

  4. I wonder why people would not rush to respond to your questions.  I mean it's not like you ridicule your guests, is it?

  5. Maybe because the alarmists don't have any viable evidence--scienific or not--to prove their theories? Because their purpose is merely to instill fear on the averge Joe citizen? Misleading AND missing several brain cells.

  6. they think too complicated. like how i get easy problems rong on my math tests.

  7. Did you have a point?  I mean isn't this post just another weak exercise in self celebration, like the rest of them?  If you really wanted to know the answer to that, you could have looked it up in a fraction of the time you've been fooling around on here.

  8. The answers you got were more than sufficient for the value of your question.  You were clearly trying to go down another rabbit hole to explain away the clear and obvious evidence that human emitted greenhouse gases are responsible for global warming.


    I think you meant "burrow", not "den".  See, we "alarmist/extremists" can provide useful information.

  9. They are legends in their own minds, doesn't mean they actually use it.

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