
Why do all civilizations have to have social classes??

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Why do all civilizations have to have social classes??




  1. it is a way to keep order. humans are social animals and in order for them to survive they have to help each other, having each member of this extended family do their own specific job ensures the continuation of the species.-blurey

  2. This is called "social stratification" and I did my Master's Degree work on this topic.  There is no such thing as a classless society and there never will be.  People have the need to put themselves into a "position" within their society.  Even the most primitive peoples have religious or political leaders.  Even families have leaders, although the role could be shared or bifurcated between the parents.  Pople will not live in a society without order.  This leads to social anarchy.  Despite the goals of communism, it failed to produce a classless society.

  3. Social Darwinism is just as natural as natural selection, or survival of the fittest. It's necessary, yet unfortunate and sad.

  4. The rich have always ruled.Even when a country falls, those in power will seek to hold onto and build  more wealth and power.Wealth IS power in this life.

    However, although wealth is a great servant, it makes for a cruel and demanding mater.

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