
Why do all forms of government feel the need to waste money?

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From the federal government (both democratic AND republican parties) down to the local community groups I see waste is rampant! I'm too buisy working to pay my taxes to get into government and make a change. How can we let them know we don't want to continue paying so much for waste?




  1. Officials wanted to spend government money to benefit them instead of the people.  Thus, there are perceived unnecessary expenditures of public funds.

  2. They waste  money in order to bribe us. They're buying our votes or our acquiescence.

    Our problem is that our representative government keeps the voters trapped in a state of "civic adolescence." We vote for people who tell us they will make good decisions, and we assume that is the best we can do. Then we go back to our own private lives, expecting our elected experts to make everything OK.

    So how do we grow up? By taking on more responsibility. If the people themselves had to decide how to pay for government services, we would learn to stop asking for more. As long as our representatives gain votes by bringing "pork" back to us voters, they will never reduce waste.

    The way to give the people more responsibility is through the National Initiative for Democracy. You can support it by voting for Mike Gravel for president.

  3. I think that you will have to become a Libertarian.  That seems to be the only group which really believes in smaller government.

    It seems that the major parties have grown to the point that they are unmanageable and the only thing they know to do is to feed this huge bureaucracy that they have become.

    Principles don't matter any more, and neither does the population they claim to serve.  All that matters is the preservation of the monster they have created.

  4. It's not their money.

  5. Because the friends of the leadership, even though already wealthy and morbidly obese, always seem to wind up with that "wasted" money as payment under various criminal "contract arrangements" very much in their favor?    :))

  6. No way! When there is a big bureaucracy, waste is inevitable and that is the trickle down theory. With so much waste, some body is bound to benefit to some extent.

  7. Find an alternative to bureaucracy.

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