
Why do all painkillers not work on me?

by  |  earlier

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well I have had all strengths of all the painkillers that my doctor has given me and none of them work on me at all




  1. This is a tough question. Pain killers don't always take the pain out completely, but usually make it bearable. But if you say they don't work at all, then you must have a resistance to them. Ask your doctor, they'll have a better answer.

  2. different painkillers work in different ways. its sometimes a case of finding what works for the pain u have and for u.

  3. all chemicals interact with our personal body chemistry -  some for better, some for worse, and some with seemingly no effect.

    Oriental medicine has recognized this phenomena for ages, and has ways to help determine which medicines (including pain relievers) are most suitable for our own individual chemistries, and which ones are to be avoided.

    Western medicine essentially ignores this factor and offers medicines indiscriminately for us to be their Guinea pigs.

    Why not check a web site like Web MD to see what types of medicines are prescribed for your condition, and then check to see which ones you have, and haven't yet taken, and perhaps try some of them until you hit on the one that works.

    Also, as you didn't specify the problem, in situations of chronic  pain, it is usually necessary to take a course of medicine for a period of time at a prescribed dosage, to reach a level of pain relief maintenance. If you've been changing medications, you may not have reached that yet and so it might not seem to be working.

  4. Perhaps you should seek the advice of a pain management specialist.

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