
Why do all politicians?

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Why do all politicians seem genuine and sincere before they get elected, and then immediately they are in the hot seat as P:M behave like completely different people. They lie and make a mockery of the system and we poor fools have to take it. I think there should be a system whereby if they tell lies after they are elected and do not carry through all they said they were going to do, that we should be able to kick them out.

What do you think?




  1. good idea

  2. because they can

  3. HAHAHA! Dude, if we stop 'legitimising' elections by not participating in them then yeah the government will come up with an alternative plan, it'll be called a DICTATORSHIP. Then you'll long for the relative honourableness of our current politicians. If you don't like your MP then you have the democratic right to try and get rid of him.

    People seem to forget that the reason why we elect representatives to make difficult decisions is because most of us don't have the capacity or the will to do it ourselves. Of course they're gonna have to make difficult or unpopular decisions ocassionally, it's what they're there for.

  4. There is one person in this country who can er 'kick them out',  and only one, that is our Queen, only we the people have to request her to do so, then she is has to, as she took an oath at her coronation to uphold and protect the British Constitution & Bill of rights from the powers of government, but the people of this country are like most Americans, they have never even read the Magna Carta, or know what Habeas Corpus is, so what chance have we?.

  5. Not ALL politicians behave that way.......there are many who are honourable.

  6. they lie to go down in history as a president. kicking them out is called impeachment and there has never been a impeachment before but i think it is a good idea

  7. You can only get done what others agree to do for you.  What are you going to do for others?  The only way things get done are when people are on the same page.  We can only hope that the cancer within is dealt with and removed or we are dead.

  8. We are all mugs [1] for getting involved in elections [2] paying tax, if we all say no then they would be forced into comming up with a better plan before they and their families drop to our levels, I bet if we all did that they would quickly come up with a plan benificial to all of us...... they just got cheek and employ muscle to suppress us and should be seen as school yard bullies.

    Target figures should become statements of what will be achieved and if they fail by the given time then they should be penalised in hard cash from there estates/pockets.

  9. There are many ways of kicking out a lying government, it's just the nation as a whole is just too thickle and we just sit there and let people laugh at us.

  10. Many of our politicians get elected because they want to be MPs, not because they want to represent a constituency, once they are elected they will say almost anything to stay in that position.

    Next election go to meetings and select who to vote for by asking questions, do NOT just accept the leaders views from the news soundbites, only when the people tell the MP what they want will changes be made.

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