
Why do all spaniards think all Africans got in to spain through local african canoes?

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i was in spain on vacation and in the train a lady asked me on which canoe did i get into spain with and the others turned and laughed at me.

If there is any african country that travels right i mean valid visa in africa is Equ.Guinea




  1. Not ALL Spaniards think all Africans came here through local African canoes. Not ALL Spaniards are ignorant.

    The thing is that during these past years Spain is been receiving massive numbers of people from Africa who tried to leave their poor conditions in their own countries by playing with their lives to try to get to the "first countries".

    Lots of them have died when getting to the Spanish absolute tragedy. Each summer tourist help these people in the Canary Islands.

    This doesn't mean that there are also African people who come here working/tourist permit but unfortunately Spain is the door to the European Community from Africa and some people come here to try to get a better life than in their countries.

    This may be the reason that woman told you unfortunate thing to say...she shouldn't have.

    to the other people who have given weird answers...just watch the television and read the newspapers before talking about ignorance.

  2. What????

  3. Spainards are generally racists.  See how they treat black footballers such as Eto.

  4. the same resons why Americans think all Mexican jump the border, sterotype, that's what they see on the news so they think that everyone gets to spain that way

  5. i'd say Spain is one of least racist places i've been to.

    the people you mention are just a racist as over here but political correctness doesn't hold them back.

    luckily, there are fewer of them over there.  i don't know if you are making a joke or something, but most africans in spain probably did arrive by boat as already mentioned.

  6. The problem has been the press.  The past couple of years there has been a big influx of these poor people in the boats.  They are washing up here in Tenerife, thousands last year, and most of them are really sick and starving.  The press are really going to town with it.  They should be more careful they could end up ruining their own tourism industry.  Try not to let it upset you too much it is just ignorance.  I forgot to add that when these poor unfortunate souls do end up beached here, the local population are the first to bring them aid, food and water.  Maybe if these people on the train has seen the conditions some of these African people are trying to get away from, and the state they arrive in, they may be a little more understanding.

  7. because a lot of africans are smuggled into the country on boats they go across from morocco and to the costa del sol...........

    watch costa del street crime, theyre always on about it on there

  8. they obviously didnt pay attention in history class

  9. because many do come from Africa on boats, usually to the Canry Islands first, which is Spanish territory, and some get transferred to mainland Spain for processing before being sent back, which only happens when the immigration people can positively identify which is the country of origin. 100's try to come to Spain via the boat route every month and is a huge problem om Tenerife, many die en route as well, as they are crammed into the most basic of boats with no provisons, often being told its a short trip, but is one that can take weeks, they often arrive in very poor conditon, if the boat hasn't sunk the news reports on the links, it shows you what this issue is all about

  10. I wouldn´t be offended if I were you because a lot of Spaniards are ignorant. I´m a teacher and their level of education is low. (Their own President can´t speak English not to mention former president Aznar!!) They´re informed by the media. They watch negative news coverage towards (supposedly 3rd world countries)and base their opinion on that. I´m 100 %sure they don´t know the history of your beautiful country.

  11. Hi, though I feel bad for you I would like to explain that its not racism, not that such is not widespread in Spain, as well as the whole world, but its more stupidity. And its world wide extended too. Just read your own question and think. Why ALL spaniards think ALL africans...? Seems to me that not ALL the spanish asked that question to you, you specifically mentioned a lady; and you did not mention that the lady said anything about ALL africans but asked if YOU...

    I think she was trying to insult you or she insulted you, or who knows maybe it was all a joke since the unknown "others"  laughed at you. Then you end concluding that if there is a group of legal people are E.Guineans, which by the way I do not doubt, but again it seems to me a gross generalization that also, indirectly points out that other africans are not as legal. So this my friend is the result of an ancestral world wide process of indoctrination by which governments of most countries make sure that "we, the people" are profoundly stupid, ignorant, and ready to kill each other as long as we can classify them in a different category of whatever group they tell us to kill.

    Its not only about hating other races or Racism, or hating foreigners or Xenofobia, is just mere downright faulty thinking or STUPIDITY. So even though you might not like what I am saying I hope you reflect upon it and maybe you will start trying to use other quantificators not so definite as all, none, never, allways, etc..cte because you might discover a very different world out there.

    Regardless, I wish you better luck and when someone is rude with you, no matter for what reason, be brave and give them a piece of your mind.


  12. They are just Ignorant, don't take it too personally.

  13. You find ignorant people, everywhere, including Spain.  In England how many foreigners have to put up with some kind of racial remark?  I think we´ve all been through this.  I´m Spanish by parents and English born and bred, while working in a well known jewellers, the manager always called me "spick" instead of calling me by my name, which made the other employees laugh! The remarks he made about the Spanish were all degrading too.  So I guess that in Spain we have that kind of jerk too!  Don´t consider it wide spead, here in Galicia there isn´t a lot of Africans and many people when they see an African want to get to know them and know their story and be their friend. Sorry to hear about your nasty experience.

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