
Why do all the Formula 1 teams test in Catalunya, Spain?

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Why do all the Formula 1 teams test in Catalunya, Spain?




  1. Because it's located close to where the other teams are based around Europe and all the technical aspects of the track are ideal for developing a car.

  2. Its all to do with track characteristics and location... the track, although it doesn't generally make for good racing, has all the elements needed to conduct a thorough test of new parts and things on the car... also the location is good as most of the teams are based in Europe... also I think its an excuse for the teams to soak up some springtime sun (and in the winter to get away from the wetness of the UK lol) whilst getting some work done on the car..

  3. Catalunya is the most complete circuit in the FormulaOne... Many times there, whom won the racing, won the championship...

  4. Its a track that shows up every deficiency in the car- when in development mode, this is invaluable information.

    Teams race there so much that the chance of an exhilarating race are slim. . .

  5. Because the layout of the track has something of every track that is used in F1. You get the car to work well here, and you have a car that is competitive on all the other tracks. Long straights, fast corners, slow corners, sudden change of direction, etc. Also, the track is ideally situated in Europe - so transportation to the track for tests is logistically easier and cheaper.

  6. Check out this

    This is Vodafone Mclaren Mercedes view abt Catalunya Spain

  7. It's because F1 is about aerodynamics and this track is all about aerodynamics.

    Or used to be at least.

    Now that the last two fast corners are no longer fast the place is not as useful as it used to be for evaluating the aero efficiency of a car in true conditions.

    I think the teams may be placing this much importance to this track these last couple of years more from a habit.

    I mean it's still useful but doesn't stand out in this department as it used to.

    Another plus of Barcelona is that it is the first European race, it's were the teams get to try all the new bits on their cars and react to any problems they have come across at the first races of the season.

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