
Why do all the SEC fans think...?

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That LSU or Florida won the most games of all time or that the SEC won the most NC's of all time?




  1. Just ignore them. They have the best teams right now. Eventually the SEC will be today's WAC.

  2. Who cares about all time?  Who is winning them now is what counts.

  3. Not all of us SEC fans think that.... I know Michigan and Alabama have won the most of all time. I know, some SEC fans gan be a little cocky, but the thing is.... They have TOO much to brag about! Think about it... The SEC is so tough that the #1 team in the Country (Georgia) has been picked by the media to finish 2nd in the Eastern Division. Wow. Big 12, Pac-10 and Big 10 are tough too, but the SEC fans have the right to be cocky... but no, LSU and Florida have not won the most of all time. In fact, Auburn has more wins than either of those teams, with nearly 700 wins.

    War Eagle!

  4. I just wished they were a fan of a team, and actually referred to their 'fanhood' with that team, and not the entire conference.

    I can't wait until this little run they have going ends, because it will, you can't be on top forever...for instance I think the Big 12 takes the honors this year.

    They just fuel the fire of hatred I have going for the arrogance that exists with the SEC and their fans.

  5. We don't think's idiots like yourself that think we think that.

  6. We dont. Why are you always crying about the SEC?

  7. Actually to be real in facts Michigan doesnt have the most win totals in college football, that actually belongs to , get this Yale, well those Ivy league schools had a big jump in college football and in the early years most of those Ivy league schools where powerhouses.

    The SECis a tough conference, to be honest with you all the BCS conferences are tough, right now, the Big 12 and the SEC are the two

    toughest conferences out thier. And its correct to say that each conference will have its share as to being the top dog in colllege football. The Big East isnt getting any respect mainly because the programs from that conference are  new like S.Florida 11 yrs, and UConn just moved up from 1AA, and a host of programs that arent tradionally winning programs, Rutgers, Louisville, Cincinnati, in fact

    Louisville and Cincinnati maybe concidered mid-major programs.

    Only team most people are use to see winning on normal basis

    is West Virginia only major school with over 600 wins and no national title, syracuse and Pittsburgh. So when a conference is producing only one traditional winner and the rest of the conference winners are

    new schools and mid-majors ,  traditionalist believe its is safe to assume that the conference is weak. The big east simply has opened the door for these programs to grow, the athletic departments and the coaches at  these programs have done a wonderfull job in getting these programs to compete at the level they are playing. And with Piitsburgh now starting to emerge and Louisville about the only mid-major traditionalist is willling to accept as a major role player in college football is a year or two away and with S.Florida becoming a force to be recon with, this conference is shaping up to be one tough conference. Most experts believe that 2 big east teams will finish in the top 10 this year,thats saying something about a conference that many considered dead after the big three left, but the big three departure actually turned into a blessing in disguise, if it wasnt for their departure then programs like Louisville and Cincinnati and to include s.florida would have never had the opportunity to make it into a bcs bowl not alone a national championship ,and now, because of this chance, these programs along with others such as rutgers, UConn are recruiting athletes that can help these programs compete with the traditonal programs. I hope that conferences such as the big 10 with 11 schools needing 1 to make 12 and the Pac 10 follow in the big east footsteps and give other deservings schools opportunity as did the big east. BYU would be a nice fit in the pac 10 for an example, a solid Mac or cusa program could make a nice fit for the big 10. I wont be surprise that in the near future that the big east splits up and becomes two conferences, those that have football and all other main sports become a conference and those that do not have football be a seperate conference, then once this split occurs add additional mid-major such as Central Florida to its conference, nice for ND, but that wont happen, the tenth probably either E.Carolina, Southern Georgia when they move up, they have plans to do so,or southern Miss, probable Memphis. This will allow for more programs the opportunity to grow.  People out there are simply are too traditional (to a level of prejudice) if a conference isnt loaded with the traditional schools, then most people disregard that conference no matter how succesfull that conference has been and not willing to accept that college football today is nowhere close as to what it once was. (I fault the bowl system mainly, if a playoff was born back then, this predujice we are seeing today most likley would never exsisted, teams like miami(ohio), could have easily been the Michigan we know today).

    Get use to seeing S.Florida in the top 25, along with Pitt, West Virginia, and time to time UConn and Rutgers, call it an easy schedule or conference, but easy or not they do what is expected of them and thats win when they suppose too, and for those tradional fans, they win when they aint suppose to, call these upsets or they got lucky, but those of us that are aware that college football now has parity, are not at all too surprised when this happens. It happens more and more each year. I be mildly surprise if cincinnati beats oklahoma, again only mildly, but no way is this a surprise if s.florida beats kansas. Good luck to all your teams this year no matter who it is or what conference they represent.

    And to be fair to all, the SEC has the most championships of this decade, but only hypothetical champions, and that holds true for all programs out there to include my favorite team if or when they win a national title, without a playoff system, it too is only hypothetical, yes, I be thrilled about it, but with that playoff system , it would of been nicer ,more deserving.

    Its sad that all these years and with all those great teams that most has never clashed head to head to fight

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