
Why do all the kids have cell/mobile phones?

by Guest33732  |  earlier

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Not to seem arrogant, but whenever im anywhere(shopping walking, driving etc) i see grade schoolers with cell phones. 6-12 year olds with phones who dont really need them.

My first mobile phone was a 3110 (back in the late nineties) (what a classic!) that i got when i was 18, to coordinate uni plans.

I guess what im saying is, why do grade schoolers NEED mobile phones?(you know, the new ones-wont an old 3315/10 do for emergency's?) It just seems like more trouble than its worth?




  1. Kids today,even in grade school have cellphones because they need it for emergency so their parents can make sure they're okay.They also need it to let their parents know they're okay.Cellphones are important and its better having one than going to a payphone.

  2. it really comes in hand dude

    but kids having them?

    just making them targets

  3. I understand where you're coming from, I see it all the time at my children's elementary school. Most gradeschoolers that have cell phones because of custody/divorce situations which force them to be available to both parents via phone. The thing that is irritating is kids that have simply because they want them. My friend recently hosted a slumber party for her fourth grade daughter where there were two girls with Iphones that texted nonstop (even late in to the night). My friend was so disgusted at the obvious overindulgence of the other parents. The kids were also incredibly rude and walked around with a sense of entitlement that was so bad that the host almost took them home.

    Yes, it's annoying and unnecessary, but, it's a parent's choice!

  4. I'm sure you've heard this quote from back in the '70s:

    "There is no reason anyone would need a computer in their home."  

    Haha!  And it's true... no one really NEEDS a computer.  Yet we all have one, because they make our lives easier and more enjoyable.

    Same with cell phones.  Kids might not NEED them, but I'm so glad that my kids have one!  I can call or text them any time to check up on them.  They can call me if practice ends early, or if they need something at school, or if they need to ask permission to do something.  They can talk to their friends all they want, without tying up our home phone.  They can text a friend at 10:00 pm to ask about a homework assignment, instead of calling their house and disturbing the whole family.  My daughter is on vacation with relatives right now, and I've been able to talk to her every day, instead of just sitting here worrying if she's okay and having fun.  

    Back when us old folks got our first cell phones, they were expensive, state-of-the-art technology.  Only adults had them, and they were for serious business.  So that's how we still see them.  But nowdays, they're cheaper, easier to replace, and pretty much a part of everyone's life.  Just like computers have become.  So get with the times, you old fogey!  Haha!  Just kidding... I felt the same way you did at one time.  But now that I have kids, I see what a blessing cell phones are!

  5. im going to middle school and ive had a cellie for about 2 really comes in hand

  6. Hey,

    Well with the world we live i now kids rally do need mobile phones, many children walk home from school and would need a mobile in case they get rapped or kidnapped etc. As for why they can't have an old one, i guess it's because their parents like to give their child the best, so naturally another child doesn't want to be "left out" because he/she has an old mobile phone. Old mobiles are hard to get your hands on, if you think about it they only sell newest ones in the shop :)


  7. My kid will have a cellphone as soon as they are old enough to go places with their friends and when they get into school because this world is so dangerous now... So its not only because they are spoiled brats I think all kids should have one maybe it would stop some of the terrible crimes that happen to them.

  8. They don't. They're a bunch of spoiled brats, driving the teachers crazy as they SMS to each other in the back of the classroom.

  9. cause we can =]

  10. cause cell phones are cheap these days and kids can call their parents if there is an emergency, not walk up to a dirty 75 year old man boy hunting pedophile's house and ask if they can use his phone by the way i dont even have a phone so i dunno what your talking about

  11. well kids these days go out more by themselves. and in middle school many kids join sports and might need to call if they are staying afterschool. while hanging with their friends the parents might want to be able to contact them so ther fore they have cellphones.

  12. We're not living in the 90s, bud.

    If you think kids having cell phones is disturbing, I heard my 6 year old brother use the phrase " Shut the f*ck up, son. Or else I'll tranquilize you and set you in a never ending path of deep dark abyss ".


    He even knows every single man made weapon known to man kind.

    And walks around the house like he's Snake for Metal Gear Solid IV. And get this, he uses my dad's unlit cigars and acts like he's smoking. Lame.

    I blame the following:

    1. Metal Gear Solid.

    2. Grand Theft Auto.

    3. Media in general.

    Apparently, if you don't have a phone at a young age, you're the last kid to be picked at the dodgeball wall.

    Uber lame.

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