
Why do all the "nanny" shows only have British nannies?

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I've seen Super Nanny, Nanny 911 and Take Home Nanny. All of which I cannot stand because it's very fake and put on, but on top of that why are all the nannies British? Why do parents think these British nannies, who are all childless, have all the answers? Being a nanny is one thing but having kids of your own is something entirely different! A nanny is a care taker, not a disciplinarian. And also, have you noticed that most all the families on these shows are high class/rich families?

It amazes me. I think that they take these select rich American families and stereotype them to say all American families are like that. Then they bring in the British nanny as the hero, giving off the impression that British nannies know everything about discipline. Do others find this as ridiculous as I do?




  1. I was wondering the same thing with using only British nannies. Stereotypes sell, so that's probably why they are only using British nannies on the tv shows--that's how they've always been portrayed in the movies, so why not continue it?

    I agree with Sandra. I'm an American Nanny, as well as a classroom teacher, so I know what I'm doing with kids. When I'm alone with the kids for 60 + hours a week, I'm with the kids more than the parents are, so you better believe I have to find techniques to discipline kids that work for me. Additionally, parents often can't see what's going wrong because they're so absorbed in getting thorough each day that they don't step back to look at the big picture. If I can help clue them in and give them pointers as to how something may be done more effectively or something that could save time, I'll definitely give that pointer. It's not just the wealthy--I've watched children for wealthy people, as well as children who were on welfare. The problems transcend location and money.  

  2. Super Nanny was a British show first and you can buy a big old' house in the middle of cowtown (Why are most of their shows in the middle of friggin' no where?!") for next to nothing!

    I think they're all British because of the history of  "nanny" (which comes from England) and it's association path. Nanny=Britian. Britian= "old  and wise" as well as accents. Accents are associated with memory/attention span which equals ratings. Not as many people would watch/ remember these shows if the nanny was American.

    It has nothing to do with putting down one society or making one believe another is better. I find the show completely stupid.

  3. I disagree with your opinion.  As a caretaker, you have to discipline a child if they do wrong as the parent is employing you to teach them right from wrong when you take care of them.  

    As for Super Nanny, I have seen her do both rich families and poor families.  There are some families on her show that have like 7 kids and one income in a 3 bedroom house.  

    Take Home Nanny is really annoying I must agree.  Nanny 911 is ok and I will watch it, but I don't really catch it that much.

  4. eh, just trying to give viewers that old school "Mary Poppins" entertainment. It wouldn't be as amusing to Americans to watch someone exactly like them helping with their children.  

  5. I agree with Janna's answer. It all has to do with ratings and accents boast them.  

  6. Nannies can often be more experienced with children than parents. They have often dealt with children at varying ages for many years longer than some of these parents, and disciplining is often part of care-taking in situations where a nanny is the sole care-taker for many hours in the day. That isn't to say that nannies know exactly what parenting is like, but they're not clueless, either.

    Also, I (personally) have never seen a nanny actively disciplining the children on those shows. They usually only provide guidance and support to the parents, who DID ask them to be there.  

  7. Never noticed but yeah, you're right.

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