
Why do all the recent Presidents only have daughters?

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Afte the Palin story I really got to thinking. Do any of the presidential candidates have sons at all??

Clinton has 1 daughter. Bush has 2 daughters, Obama has 2 daughters. Palin has 4 children all are girls ( the other is an infant and can't really make a "stage appearance").

What's the connection? Does having a daughter actually weigh in on a candidates chances? As in, it doesn't matter if you have sons, but you MUST have daughters.

For example, I think Joe Biden has a son, but I have never seen him on stage. I did see Biden's daughter though, after Obama's speech.

Let me put it again. While some of them have sons, the daughters appear on stage more. Seeing 1 speech from biden's son (which i missed) doesn't negate the fact that i have seen Obama's girls on tv at least a dozen times! As well as Palin's daughters.

McCains son is in war I.E. not HERE, and certainly not on platform with him which exactly underscores my point.

9 hours ago

I am talking about RECENT history of the white house.

Did you even read the start, i said i am 17 SEVENTEEN. I




  1. daughters are great !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Maybe life is trying to tell us something,

    like it's time to give women a shot at rueling

    the world, how much more can they f**k it

    up then men have, then even if they do,

    least they'll look better doing it than men . . .

    btw, i have 2 daughters, and 1 son,

    but he won't be running 4 president

    anytime soon, he's to smart, not

    2 mention 2 honest, like that counts

    any more, if it ever did, 2 begin with . . .

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