
Why do all those stupid idiot fools act all stupid and gleeful whenever they hit a jackpot?

by  |  earlier

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They do this when they sit at a slot machine and that

stupid little pay window shows 3 stupid little symbols on that stupid little payline.

What? Why do they act like complete, gleeful morons?

Do they have the money in their hands yet? No.

Did the casino give them their money yet? No.

Do they realize that win over $1,199 is taxable meaning they won't get the full amount since it'll be taxed? Probably not.

So why do they act like stupid little complete ignorant morons all happy and jumping up and down?

I'd love to see a guy act like that at a slot machine after a jackpot and then get kneed in the nuts by a cocktail waitress.

I'd love to see a woman act like that and then someone tell her her cat peed on her new carpet back at the house.

I'd love to see if they're still all happy and gleeful after those two incidents.





  1. you've lost a lot of money playing slots,havent you?

  2. Well, should they cry because they've won? Sounds like somebody's jealous.

  3. the avg american is, sadly, a "stupid idiot fool"

    ppl should not be allowed to vote (or run 4 office) unless they pass a literacy test and economics course

  4. They act stupid because they just realized that three stupid little symbols on a stupid pay line on a stupid machine just lined up and they have more stupid bills to put in their stupid wallet.

    I did it once. Maybe I acted stupid too, but who cares? I had a great time and took home a handsome profit. I wasn't stupid enough to give it all back.

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