
Why do all women gossip?

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Why do all women gossip?




  1. We don't. It's quite simple.

  2. there is a famous saying big minds discuss ideas medium mind discuss current events and small minds discuss people.

    men have big minds because we discuss ideas we have medium minds because we discuss current events and women have small minds because they discuss people,that's why women gossip because they have small minds.

  3. not all women gossip and if we do is because we are entitled to do as we please.=)

  4. Not all women gossip.......One has been recognized as a women who refuses to gossip.....He just had a baby.

    But just one.

  5. Woman do gossip (or, to put it politely, prattle) a lot.

    So do some men. Have you never heard of gurly Jonathan Ross?

    If gossip was banished all those trashy celebrity magazines would be out of business.

  6. men dont gossip?


  7. Jerome, that's a generalization.

    I'm female do not gossip. It's a hateful thing to do others who are not there to defend themselves. ♥ ∞

  8. I love gossip, so if anyone knows any juicey stories, im all ears...

  9. The consciousness of how one stands with other people occupies a relatively larger and larger part of the mind, the lower one goes on the scale of culture. Woman's intuition, so fine in the sphere of personal relations, is seldom first-rate in the way of mechanics. Hence Dr. Whately's jest, "Woman is the unreasoning animal, and pokes the fire from the top."

  10. sorry NOT ALL WOMEN

    i avoid gossip - i would much rather not be a part of it

    please do not include everyone on this

    and in my personal experiance... men gossip more than women...

  11. Absolutes are the result of ignorance.

  12. We all gossip - idle talk.

    Your question suggests that men do not take part in this, and women can't resist it.

    However, there is a tendency, as I have noticed many times in the office, for women to respond to so-called facts in an emotional way, whilst men will often keep quiet, weigh up the information, then speak - logic over passion.

    What I have also noticed is that when women take part in debates, people say, 'Oh that's women for you, a bunch of gossips', but these people are intellectually lazy to take on board what each woman is contributing to the conversation. It's partly because women's voices can be shrilly and people can't look past that.  

    For some reason, when men open their mouths, they are not labelled gossips, but there are many males out there judging and spreading misconceptions about people all the time. Gossips.

    Oh, and one last thing, I worked in a large open plan section, where the office gossip was a Man. People would say, 'Look, there he goes doing his milk rounds' lol.

  13. It's human nature to be interested in what others are doing.

    I know

    something about you

    you don't know I know

    And you'd be surprised if you knew

    How I found it out . . .

  14. cause its fun

  15. Not all women gossip; many men gossip as well..  ie Cheney was responsible for a CIA spy being outed which may have resulted in the deaths of some coverts.

  16. When I went to my first station house party, the person who did the most gossiping was the guy who ordered the pizza. Yes, the guy. The three of us women just laughed with him.

  17. You must be new here. In GWS we say "some" people/women/men to prevent sensitive types having hissy fits.

  18. men do but we say stuff like "so and so's" a twit and shes such a hoe.

  19. Probably for the same reasons men do it, except when men do it it's just called "talking" so no one consideres it a bad thing. Double standards suck don't they?

  20. I hate gossip and will go out of my way, even to the extent of losing 'friends', just to avoid it.

  21. It's simply not true that ALL women gossip. I know a lot of women who don't.

    I also know a LOT of men who do gossip.

    The women who gossip probably do so for the same reasons as the men who gossip.

  22. They all don't.  Don't generalize so much, it makes you look bad.

  23. For the same reason all men make idiotic generalizations?

  24. Same reason all men scratch their package.

  25. Give us shopping money, then we will shut up for you. XD

  26. Almost everyone gossips.

    Men just call it something else. Ever talk about someone who is not present, maybe critize one of their faults, or speculate on what they are going to do in the future?  Tell some one what someone esle told you about them? You are a gossip, so join the sewing circle.

    Besides I've heard about you

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