
Why do all women wear hats at the Kentucy Derby?

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Why do all women wear hats at the Kentucy Derby?




  1. I told this to another questioner but since today is Derby Day I will let you hear the big story, too.

    Fashion is the great dictator.

    The South Rules when it comes to fashion and the Kentucky Derby.

    Southern Belles were always seen carrying a parasol or wearing a large hat because in the South the sun was hot and would burn the skin. In the 1800's suntans were a sign of a low class. They signified having to work out in the sun with no relief.

    Women of breeding never allowed themselves to get a tan, and at the Derby there is too much going on to have to bother with a parasol, so the wide brim floppy hat remains the fashion to this day.-The End


    Born n raised in Louisville, KY

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