
Why do almost all women who have abortions refuse to look at the fetus, afterwords?

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Why can"t women who have had an abortion look into the face of their own flesh, and blood, and be able to say, "I did the right thing"? Why do you think it's such a difficult task?




  1. Because a fetus is just a worthless mass of cells.  

    Republicans = love the fetus, HATE the child, (especially if the child is not rich, white, and inherited all their money)

  2. I don't believe abortion is right....but this is really a disgusting question.

  3. First off smarty pants 95% of women get it done in the first 10 weeks of pregnancy, the EMBRYO is not a fetus, but a cluster of cells.  There is no face to these embryos

  4. When you have an operation will you want to see what they've taken out?

  5. Pro Life-Anti McCain.  What is the point, If we are not going to take care of the child when he-she is born, and leave them a dead planet?

  6. Because abortion isn't an easy decision, even when it is the right decision.

  7. Why is this in Politics?

    I would bet that most people who have gangrenous, parasitical flesh removed don't want to look at it either.

    In fact, I would think that anyone who did want to see a parasite that was removed from their system was kind of weird.

    Is this something you did?  Did you enjoy it?  Did you do it several times just to see the dead parasite?

    And yes, a baby is a parasite, living off of it's mother.  Scientifically the term parasite describes a living creature that survives by attaching itself to another creature.  Scientifically, the term parasite is neither good nor bad, it simply is.

  8. Gulit, shame, pride? They just ended a life, whether they like to call it one or not.  

  9. It would be pointless to do so.

  10. Guilt.  I think they should be forced to kiss it. That topic disgusts me.

  11. Because regardless what they might say, in their hearts they know they just murdered their own child.

  12. Since when are women awake during an abortion?  

  13. Abortion is not a political issue. Abortion is no ones business other than the one making the decision. It is legal and it is done. Period.

  14. Because it's gross. I wouldn't want to look at anything dead and bloody, even if it came from my body.

  15. Probably similar to the reason that the Bush Admin. won't let anyone see dead soldiers' coffins or funerals.  But seriously, abortions where the fetus has developed a face are very rare.  Also, it is a very tough decision.

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