
Why do alot of American people come to New Zealand to live here?:)?

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Why do USA people come live here,is it that we are a better country or no c**p going on here like there...I dont know...I wonder what they even think about us...I mean we are miles apart and yes usa is a popular country but from what I have heard from ppl from the states is not why would they choose Shania Twain brought a house in the country for what...her retirement...?????????




  1. We love the scenery and the food - I for one love the lamb and the kiwi and the rock lobster is great!

    I am not sure about all your other comments about the USA as we all have problems, hey maybe you should come to Wyoming, try us out!

  2. Wasn't LORD OF THE RINGS filmed there?

    If yes, then that's your answer. You're place is too pretty. We can't stay away. Plus, bonus hobbits. Who can resist?

  3. Maybe they like it because it is different.

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