
Why do alot of women think they have gold between their legs?

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Why do alot of women think they have gold between their legs?




  1. A lot of women do - at any rate they are 'sitting on a fortune' and should be out peddling it and watching the money roll in, instead of trying to do supervisory jobs for which they are emotionally unsuited.

  2. It is leverage, men have strength and science, women have sexuality and special laws.

    there are various designer devices plated with the precious metal, and jewelry, so some women literally do have gold between their legs.

  3. exotic peircings

  4. because men act like its the ultimate prize most of the time, without trying to hide it.  bi***es get cocky.

  5. really class answer there, Andrei...if all men were like you in this world the human race would cease to exist in one generation.  There is SO much more to a woman than what is between her only takes a reasonable, rational, intelligent and mature person to understand and see that.  If you truly believe that "That's about the only thing of any value that they have on their person." then YOU are not worthy of any woman.

    Good luck with that there attitude, dude.

  6. Mine is flesh, a part of anatomy, nothing special lol. BTW, women who think this normally think they are God's gift to men.

  7. coz it ain't come around all the time, it is priceless, ages with dignity, never decreases in value only increases and most people cant afford to buy it

  8. lol perhaps some really make a lot of money through that.

  9. Then why do metal detects always go off for me??

  10. Platinum- Yellow gold is tacky.

    Maybe because men go to such lengths to get some?

  11. If you knew what a C**t does to a woman's body, you'd know its hard to compare it to anything less.

  12. because you dont have enough game to get in there if you have enough charisma like me then the lady would be askin can she see your gold lumber lol

  13. Because they're blonde?

  14. demand and offer?and it is not that we think it is so.IT is just so.....

  15. Most likely because of your body language, your game & obvious failure to exhibit self confidence when interacting with them. This may transmit your unattractiveness to their psyche, causing them to feel you are not worthy of them. This in turn may boost what they have to offer a man to a higher level.

  16. I know what you mean. They probably think that because so many guys hit on them. You would think that you had gold between your legs too if women were constantly hitting on you and trying to get with you. A girl last night asked me if she should walk up to a guy and start flirting with him, I said "It's worth a shot since you know what most guys think about all the time."

    A guy has a much greater chance of getting shot down by a member of the opposite s*x  than a girl does, and girls wonder why many of us are hesitant to make the first move.

  17. Well mine is flesh, I don't know about yours, lol :)

  18. Because some men go to ridiculous lengths to get it.

  19. Mayb because we do =b

  20. I think more women need to think of it that way.....many of them don't realize that for each sexual partner they have, they increase the risk of such things as cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, endometrosis, all the std's, PID- pelvic inflamatory disease.

  21. Because.....*sigh*......they do!


  22. Have you thought about the fact that you are g*y?

  23. Because they know that the way our society is set up they can use what is between their legs to get as much 'gold' as they want.

  24. I just checked.... mines platinum!

  25. Because Men will pay money to go there.

  26. why do a lot of men think they have gold between theirs when its usually ****

  27. because thats all they have, thats what gives them power over men or so they think.

  28. Because sometimes dudes are dumb enough to believe it.


    I completely agree-- as does everyone else in the world.

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