
Why do always get a cramp when I go running?

by Guest34307  |  earlier

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I get a cramp on my chest, my boob, my shin, my side, or my ribs and they hurt even more when I take a breath. WHY?




  1. you might run to much or to suddenly. make sure you stretch and drink alot before you run. also dont go run 5miles. build up to it

  2. You might be dehydrating, like seriously dehydrated since there are so many cramps. Make sure to drink sufficient water or sports drink while you're running especially if you run for a long time.

    Also make sure you have enough energy, but don't eat too soon before you go running, at least 2 hours before.

  3. that means your doing a good job! your exercising & its showing.

    do you expect to run & not feel anything?

    hope that helped

    it happes to be too by the way

  4. well its simple really you need more water and potassium. eat a few bananas and drink some water!

  5. 3 reasons i know of dehydration, insufficient oxygen, lack of streching.

    so drink lots of water everyday more than recommended because ur not normal ur a runner

    strech b4 and after runs and concetrate on breathing during runs.

  6. Because your muscles are not properly oxygenated. At least that is what I've been told.  

  7. it can be a number of reasons, sometimes drinking too cold of water right before running does it or starting a run too fast builds up lactic acid which causes cramps, also sometimes you just get them just try and run through them thats the best thing, eventually your body will adapt

  8. If you get a cramp that means you  dont run that much.

  9. It could be a combination of your form, breathing, hydration, and what you eat before you run. When you run, make sure that you have a smooth stride and that you're not bouncing as you run. Keep your head up and eyes forward as you run, and don't let your arms cross your chest.

    You should make sure that you stretch before and immediately after a run, and you might want to try doing a warmup before you run. Do a 5-6 minute light jog to get your muscles warmed up.

    For breathing, take deep, slow, and even breaths. draw them from your lower stomach, and inhale slowly through your nose & exhale through your mouth. Focus on this as you run-if you're breathing too quickly, that would cause a cramp in your side or ribs.

    You should drink only water during the day before you run, but don't chug or gulp down a bunch of water right before you run. If you want to drink a little before you get started, take a few little sips. If your mouth is dry, then swish some in your mouth and spit it out. You also shouldn't eat before 1 hour before you run.

    For your shin, it could be the way that you're running. Run in front of a mirror or have someone watch you to see if your form is off.

    For the cramp in your boob, i don't know how that could happen. Do you think that your sports bra isn't supportive enough? Make sure that it doesn't leave marks on your back, and that it's not too loose or tight.

    I found some articles on, it's an excellent source for everything running. Hopefully they'll help as well.  

  10. its called a stich. everybody gets them. if you eat before you run you get them. if you drink alot or some before you run you get them. but you dont have to eat just before they just happen. i forget why.

  11. u probably r not in the best shape u could be in but eventually when u get more fit the cramps will go away

  12. im not a runner, but my suggestion would be to stretch all of your body before running or other excercise. also, dont eat or drink alot of fluid before running. the part where you mentioned hurting while breathing, that sounds like a problem with your lungs. maybe you should see a doctor before resume running, mention all of your symptoms, and everything you do leading up to your running.

  13. i could help to eat a little and drink inbetween laps

    good luck

  14. yea i do too

    like during football practice

    (ha booob)

    i think its cause u dont drink enough water

    and eat a couple bananas once in a while

    i heard it helps

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