
Why do americans have to pay for their own health care?

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Like in Canada it is a RIGHT to have health care and to be healthy. While in the US health care is only available to people who can afford it. Shouldnt it be free? Like the government is letting people die just because they can not afford to be treated by doctors. Thats balogna.

And what is the point of having to pay for your own health care, like the government is wasting all of America's money on the war, why not put it to a good use and supply free health care to American citizens.




  1. There is no such thing as free health care someone somewhere will be paying for it.  Whether it's through taxes or someother route.  Many of the Canadian hospitals have closed and like England there are problems look it up.

  2. Here are some better questions... Why is it that I saw a Canadian man in a county trauma center in NY last week with a femoral shaft fracture (a serious injury) because the Canadian orthopedists were apparently too backed up to see him for the last 6 days?

    Why is healthcare free for Canadians yet they still come to the US in large numbers because they're unable to get appointments for this free healthcare in their own country?


    I think it is absolutely horrible that the US government does not assist their citizens with health care!!  If we would take the money that is going towards the war and put it towards health care MANY people would have sufficient coverage.  

    And for what cause are we even at war?  We are trying to fix a country that doesn't want to be fixed!

    It doesn't make any sense to me why our government will not mandate health insurance for US citizens, but then again nothing with the US government seems to make sense!

  4. You pay for your food,clothing and  shelter. The same way you have to pay for your health.

  5. The new generation is under the impression that someone owes them something.  Just for the sake of argument I suppose all the Canadian Doctors work free!  

    Canadians pay taxes and the Government pays for care.  Who measures the quality.  If you have insurance you have health care and when you get old you will have health care.  The quality is directly related to where you go and the individuals providing the care.  

    No free rides.

    Show me in the Constitution or Declaration of Independence where it states the gov will provide health care as you stated it is a God given "right".  Be serious.  Our government spends a lot of money on pork.  If they only spent money on what was needed we would be in the Black.  

    Just as school is not mandated by the Constitution either.  

    Best thing we could do is only allow 2 terms for any one person ever in a political office whether it be Federal or State.  But guess who writes the laws and passes raises for  Congress.

    BTW - Freedom is not free either.  Did you sleep through that part of your history class on the Revolutionary War.  I realize you are still learning how to write.  You write as you speak.  

    The word "Like" is not being used in a grammatically correct manner in your question.

  6. go back 2 Canada

  7. I agree - I live in the UK where we have state-provided healthcare (the NHS) and when I visited the US I was shocked to hear tragic stories of people who had joined the Army and been sent to Iraq just to get healthcare for their families. How can that be right in the world's most "developed" country?!

    I work for the NHS and we are encouraged to be proud of the system - when I started work I was told that the USA spends more per year per person subsidising its private system than the UK spends per person providing our entire healthcare system. So it is not true to say that we just pay the same via tax - the Americans are actually paying twice - through tax and through insurance premiums!!

  8. I agree with you mostly, except that health care is NOT free--your taxpayers pay for it through tax assessments.  Here in Hawaii, employers have to purchase health care policies for those working more than 19 hours a week--so many employers hire a percentage of 19 hr a week employees!  However, we do have a high health care coverage rate compared to the rest of the nation.

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