
Why do americans just sit idley by and allow the far right to keep eroding their civil liberties??

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this admin is by far the most far right, fascist govt the US has e ver seen, today they announced plans to turn powerful spy satellites upon US citizens under the slogan "law enforcement" what point will americans stand up to these Republican n***s and thier fascist buddies in the heritage foundation?




  1. The people in power keep assuring the public that it is in their best interests to allow the government to control them. Nonsense of course. Gullible drones are going to wonder one day where it all went horribly wrong and by then it will be too late.

  2. People who have never been without do not know what you are talking about. They believe if the government say it and does it then the "it" must be alright for them. After all the government would never lie to it citizens and above all never do anything to harm it citizens. And if you believe that then you deserve what ever you get. The government is not your friend, they are only about power and control and will do anything we let them get away with in order to achieve their goal.

  3. So, show me one of your rights that has been violated.  Just one, and don't give me that standard "patriot act" c**p.  That isn't a violation.

    Has your right to free speech been taken away?

    How about your right to assemble peacefully?

    Perhaps your right to go to the church of your choice-or not?

    Can you still own a gun?

    You have the right to complain endlessly on this forum, and no one (other than your fellow members) will do anything to stop you.

    Quit complaining and enjoy what most of the world can only dream of.

  4. Seek therapy.

  5. Um, what rights are you talking about?  The only rights you have are those decreed in the US Constitution.  Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.  

    If you're worried about someone listening to your phone calls, monitoring your emails, watching what you're doing, then the question is:  What are you doing that you should worry about it?

    They can watch/monitor/listen to me as much as they want.  I do nothing to be ashamed of, illegal, or immoral (my opinion on the last).  Therefore, I have no worries.  My rights aren't being taken or infringed.  I live (Life), I'm free (Liberty), and I do want I want, when I want, and how I want (Pursuit of Happiness) within the law.

    Welcome to my world and have a nice, monitored, day.

  6. The premise of your question is faulty. For example my right to keep and bear arms is far safer now than during the Clinton administration. BTW would you care to site your source about US spy satellites being used against US citizens?

  7. Exactly what civil liberty have you lost? Since a satellite cannot look into your home, and you have no reasonable expectation of privacy in public, whats your arguement?

  8. The problem lies in the fact that you call this government fascist and n***s.  You are an immature and dimwitted dee dee dee.  Go back to your sandbox or smoke your dope or whatever else you do all day besides holding a job.  And God help any employer that ever hires you.  Your parents should be ashamed of raising you.

  9. Americans are blinded and believe all the c**p that comes out of our White house. They forgot to think for themselves they need a government to think for them. The ones that still have a brain got the h**l OUT OF THAT COUNTRY. That what I did!!!!!!

  10. A bombing on every street corner might get your attention. You are forgetting that we are in the most dangerous position we have ever been in history. Never since world war 2 have we had a nation of over 70 million threatening to wipe us from the face of the earth. Iran would do it in a heartbeat. Their president has promised he will do so. Along with a few million other Moslem radicals. It is estimated that of the world population at this moment there are 1 billion Moslems in the world. Of those 10% are of the radical Al-qaeda type who sympathize with the radical Islamist block. That is 100 million who have sworn to Allah to kill every American And infadel of any type in the world. They would cut off your and my head in an instant.

    The crusaders were the only force that held them back in the middle ages. They took most of the world south of Spain until they were driven back 300 years later.

    You are forgetting one thing the vast majority of the civilized world would choose a totalitarian government over anarchy. History proves the point no society has ever endured Anarchy for much over 300 years. Anarchy is what your type and the Islamists would bring. Anarchy is not freedom.

    You can't name one freedom that has been taken away from you in the last 30 years.

  11. Too many people are afraid to think for themselves. They think the government can, their preacher can, their boss can-ANYONE but themselves!

    Will it take a revolution? At what point will the non-thinkers think? I can't get my own birth family to listen. My sister believes the government over me!

    Wake up America! THINK, READ, LISTEN!

  12. Political experts and analysts claim the Bush Administration is a fairly moderate conservative group. You're disagreeing with them.


  13. Because they're not doing anything wrong, and don't care if anyone is watching.

  14. READ THE LAW involves monitorning people ov overseas with known terrorist links talking to the us only.  it does NOT involve us to us conversations.  you need to go back to the pelosi/reid regime for new marching orders.

  15. The only Americans who will listen to what you have to say are your fellow leftists. I suggest that you write letters to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

  16. You are right in your observation of our Civil Liberties being violated more in this administration than in any other.  I am for some stricter security measures in order to make our country safer, but what is currently passing as 'security measures' is really spying.

    New laws enacted by Bush take the power for electronic and other types of surveillance away from Judges, and gives the power to the Attorney General. In other words, they can authorize 'surveillance directed at a person reasonably believed to be located outside of the U.S..'  The surveillance can take place anywhere inside the U.S. and there is no requirement of any connection with al-Qaeda, terrorism, or criminal behavior.

    Phone companies are now required to collect data and turn it over to the federal government. It grants the phone companies immunity from lawsuits at the same time.

    I don't know if people just don't care, or they believe Bushs' lies about 'being tough on terror'.

    This law has been enacted to be in effect even after Bush leaves office.

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