
Why do americans like war?

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why do americans like war? is it because of the chemicals in houston? why do americans love mcain, is it a man thing to love mcisane? Mcain wants to hurt the innocence, he sings songs bomb bomb iran. if they vote for mcsame, americans are really dumb.

violence is not the answear americans




  1. "War is not the answer" said King George III ... and Hitler.

    Allowing dictators to oppress people is not the answer. Allowing dictators to attack other countries is not the answer.

    Iran is already killing Americans in Iraq, did you know that? The Iran has already started, so you're a little late on that front.

    Obama wants to surrender in the war on terror, so I guess you'd better vote for him. If you're old enough to vote.

  2. Bimbo4u - Wars have been fought for centuries all over the world by many countries, regions for many reasons. The United States of America after breaking free from Great Britain's control established the Declaration of Independence in 1776, "We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness............"

    The Rights in this document are what Americans protect, it is available for your review on the internet, google:

    "United States of America Declaration of Independence"

    After you read this document I hope that you can appreciate  Americans and why we strive to protect the United States of America.

    McCain was a soldier, a prisoner of war, he has dedicated his life to serving our country, he and his wife are active to protect the rights of children.  Your statement of him is not true and is cruel.  Never judge a person, least you be judged.

    Thank you for reading my post.  I hope you have a broader understanding of America and Americans.

    May God Bless Us All

  3. Americans don't like war--nobody in their right mind likes war.  But Americans value freedom and some things are worth defending.

    The rest of your question is so mindless that it doesn't even rate an answer.

  4. wow... you don't have a clue as to what you are talking about..

    Americans don't like war, I think nobody LIKES war... and Americans don't necessarily like McCain either..... and chemicals in Houston?.... your right, violence is not the answer, but neither is passiveness......You cant let the school bully take your lunch money everyday.... at some piont you have to stand up and say I aint taking that c**p anymore....

  5. It makes the economy run better pure and simple. Why? because in war, there's more obs from the government so it's kind of an immoral way to "Jump Start" the economy.

    We could use a good war right now... and not the "war on terrorism" which is a bunch of bull.

  6. Here's something for you to watch:

  7. Americans don't "like" war.  Sometimes we elect idiots who choose to go to war for the wrong reasons.

  8. No.

    Don't think so.

    They never like war.

    But do love Rest and Recreation.

    In enjoying life under the sun.

    Just that when other's problems creeps out and do not know how to solve the mess of their own creation in own backyards.

    They have to clean up the mess for them with their self lack of knowledge..

    Since it's a dirty job.

    Someone has got to do it.

    And they are the best in town available.

    That's what America best is out there for.

    To kick the butts of those making the mess with self lack of knowledge.

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  9. war is good for business

    Addit: its also good for the complexion

  10. Obvious you have an opinion that Senator McCain and that Americans like war yet you fail to realize that Senator McCain is a statesman and fought for his country with honor.

    Do you also claim the Germans like war because they killed more in WW1 and WW2 alone than all of the war the USA has ever started?

    Do you realize Germany was attacking US shipping before we entered into WW2?

    Do you realize that Japan attacked us before we entered into WW2?

    Do you realize that North Korea invaded the South and the US and the UN kept them free?

    Do you realize that the South Vietnam Government asked for our help to fight communism in their country?  

    Do you realize that 9-11 caused that Global War on Terror?

    Do you realize that Iraq attacked Kuwait?

    Do you realize that Iraq failed to live up to the peace treaty that they signed and agreed to?

    Do you realize the "Bomb Bomb Iran song came out during the Iran Hostage Crisis?

    Do you realize the Iran's leader will not talk to anyone and that the leader has been anti-world and is a part of the group that invaded the US embassy in Iran taking the hostages?

    Do you realize that Europe is free because of America?

    Do you realize that Japan is free because of US policy?

    Do you realize that Germany is free because of US policy?

    Do you realize that Korea is free because of US policy?

    Do you realize that Iraq is free today to have elections today because of US policy?

    Your ignorance on the enemies and that they want to destroy the American way of life are abundant and apparent. It is not because of what we have done but because of what we stand for.

    Freedom of speech.

    Freedom of religion.

    Freedom to assemble

    Freedom to keep and bear arms

    Freedom to live anywhere we wish.

    Freedom to criticize our own government.

    Freedom to elect our leaders.

    Freedom to excel at any business you choose.

    Freedom Freedom freedom

    This short list is inconceivable in Iran and around the world. Most of these too bit dictators stay in power by controlling their people with violence and pointing to outsiders telling them that everything would be great in their POS country if they just destroyed the USA.

    I challenge you to find one war in the 20-21 century that the USA started without provocation. You cannot.

  11. you think people like going to foreign countries and being killed? you are ignorant.

  12. I've never met an American that likes war.

  13. Americans don't like war - we are just not afraid to use it as a political tool (thank God).  There is a time for war and a time for peace.  We were at peace when we were attacked on 9/11.  Peace didn't work; give war a chance.

    One of the main reasons we are over there right now is because Ronald Reagan pulled out of Lebanon in the 1980's when the marine barracks was bombed.  What this taught terrorists in the middle east was, if you drive up the body count, then the Americans will pull up their tent stakes and leave you alone.  Leaving prematurely now will only reinforce that image.

    You can argue about wether or not we should have gone to war in the first place, but we're there now.  You have to think about the lasting ramifications of pulling out.  It would be really bad for America in the long run.

  14. because american civilization came from war... and they were freed by war..and the country itself was established through war

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