
Why do americans not seem to take global warming seriously?

by Guest45537  |  earlier

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especially the goverment




  1. Most of them don't comprehend it.

  2. Because it's not real science, it's political activism which very selectively uses some scientific data and discredits the rest.  

    Obviously you are a socialist.  'Holy Cow' you say - how did I know that you are a socalist?  Am I psychic?  Have we met?  No, in my experience, only socalists have blind faith in man made global warming.

  3. Because the earth hasn't warmed in ten years and our liberal government is using this hype to destroy our means of life and the pursuit of happiness.

    Look up REX 84 camps and put 2 and 2 together.

    Americans are destroying the planet with their energy needs so we are going to make it so expensive that only the elite or the chosen ones can afford it and therefore people like you and me will die out.

    Dar fur, Tibet.  it's just the beginning of coming genocides.

    The American people know that Government is not to be trusted, so when Socialist Al Gore says it the end...... it's time to fight.

    Ever wonder why gun ownership is always a key issue in any Government election?????

    Allot of Americans are not stupid!!

  4. Because global warming has not been proven to many people's satisfaction.

    "Our climate has always undergone changes. Greenland was named Greenland because its coasts used to be very green. It's presumptuous to think humans' impact matters so much in comparison to the frightening geologic history of the earth. And who is to say that last year's temperature is the perfect optimum? Warmer may be better! More people die in cold waves than heat waves."

    The above was taken from this link:

  5. Because it seems like such a huge problem, that no one can fix, so we all end up just doing nothing.

  6. Because for many, political ideology trumps science.

  7. Because Americans are better than everyone else. Why should we worry about it when we have the rest of the world to do our worrying for us?

  8. Well americans are so spoiled like infants they dont want their bottle takin away, when people are so spoiled that they don't even see that they are harming themselves as well as everyone else and the environment something is wrong.

  9. And why does the British government think that the people in Britain are causing it all? GB has only TWO PER CENT emissions and to hear that bunch of fuds, you'd think we'd caused it all by our little selves. Not only that, this is a great way to STEALTH tax us!

  10. Because we americans are smart enough to know that global warming is just a huge scam! And the liberals over here do make a HUGE deal about it!

  11. They are taking it seriously, they are telling everyone else that the should do something about it.

  12. because we are stupid and ignorant.

    case closed.

  13. because there are still a large number of them who still dont even believe in it. they're not gonna take it seriously if they dont believe it exists.

  14. The global temperature hasn't risen since 1998.  That's from a site in the UK.

  15. I don't think that they want us to really know what goes on in our World.

    Global warming is a very serious issue and if we don't empower ourselves and educate ourselves we will continue to be "zombies".

    Global warming is a very serious issue and if we don't do something about it soon we will end up with weird weather patterns and as the years go on they will become more severe.

    Thanks for bringing up the Question!

    Think GREEN!

  16. Selfish, greedy, stupid, and that's just the President.

    There's a bigger problem, and it's a lot scarier than Global Warming.  Read this website, ALL the way through, and then tell me everything can just go on as it always has.

  17. because they're egotistical narcissists

  18. the earth has been warming since the ice age. its a natural thing. i dont see why everyones making such a big hype over it.

  19. Listen herein to the sounds of a dying race led by an enslaving and cruel government.

  20. As an American we dont take it seriously because we know its a hoax.  Look at the real data, and the money behind making you believe its real.  Most American have alot of commen sence, even though we re-elected G.W. Bush.

  21. Because its not real. Im in wisconsin and its becoming colder every year summer and winter thats why.  Right not its April and there is a snow storm.

  22. because ssome of us dont care if are decendents die!! i care

  23. It is not lack of education or anything else.

    It is just not able to be proven down to the scientific Nth - it just isn't.

    We have no way of REALLY knowing what the earth cycles have been like until we started recording them. Do you realize how old the earth is compared to Man?

    Its just not reliable information yet. Its more of a scare tactic.

  24. Because we like our freedom, we feel that as more people come to conclusions in their own mind they are fully capable of taking the actions that they deem appropriate as individuals.

    Government regulation is not necessary to accomplish our own personal goals, the will of free people may change over time as different priorities earn our focus that is not bad it just gives the response to changing situations a flexibility that government regulation doesn't have because of political strife.

  25. They don't take it seriously  anywhere... and it doesn't Mather because it happens no Mather what,.  really..  its a cycle that happens to the earth in so many billion years  and we are unfortunately at that time Pike, so it doesn't Mather you cant change it   it IS happening  , that makes you think we are all as a tiny bit in this big universe    have a look at the internet  you will see what the answer is  I did  and its like that ..  **** happens  lol

  26. Because its a Goverment SCAM

  27. Yeah, and why do they all drive around in massive cars....?  Whats wrong with little, fuel efficient cars?? (or public transport for that matter)

  28. Well because they don't want to admit there is a problem and don't want to stop doing what they are doing simple as that!

  29. We do, but church and the government doesn't.  The church believes that isn't anything to worry about and for the government (from what I understand)...President Bush doesn't want to upset these big companies that supported his campaign by making them spend millions on fixing the problems that the plants create that contribute to global warming.

  30. Because it's inconvenient and to help, we'd have to "change our lifestyles".  Actually, we wouldn't.  It's just that most people think we would.  

    I think it's interesting how, now that the elections are around, we all talk about change and how we want and need it, but we continue to focus our attention on frivolous things like obesity and g*y marriage rights and we're not even willing to work for that very change that we're wanting so bad.  This is an example of that.

  31. It doesn't EXIST!!!!!!

    Gullible people omg!!!!

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