
Why do americans wear shoes in the house?

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i always see it. on sitcoms and movies and even in rality t.v. americans wear shoes in the house throughout the day? my question is WHY????im from canada and we wear shoes outside and bare feet or socks int he house.




  1. My family does not wear their shoes in the house. Also you should see the mr. rogers show. He used to take off his shoes every show, and it was creepy.  

  2. well every country is differant. and most of dont think about taking our shoes off anyway and their is some familys that dont like shoes in the house but only becuase it will track in mudd and dirt

  3. You try washing that black stuff out of your socks!

    Also, bare feet leave oils in the carpet.

    Also, no specs of stray dirt sticking to your feet.

    Also, no having to keep taking shoes off and putting them back on for coming into the house for 5 minutes just to get something.

    Many, many benefits.

  4. I don't know but I'm am American and I can't stand shoes. As soon as I come in the shoes go bye bye. Barefoot is the only way in doors.

  5. I'm barefoot in my house, and so is my family.

  6. I'm American. I hate shoes. I even avoid wearing them outside if possible.

    The reason you don't see it on TV is because writers don't want to waste time writing in 15 seconds for someone to remove their shoes.

  7. i never wear shoes in my house...

    why do you care?

    it's like an american asking why canadians like ice hockey so much.

  8. I don't think it's either an American (gosh I hate this denomination) or a Canadian thing, but mostly a personnal and familial thing.

    Some people can't think of having people walk in shoes in the house, some don't mind. Personally, I go either way. If I have not gotten out of the house, I will probably go bare foot, wearing socks or slippers (in winter), but if I come from outside, unless it's rainy or during winter, I won't bother taking my shoes off.

  9. Some do and some don't. My whole family wears them but I think its disgusting. I wear bare feet/slippers or socks in the house. Do you know how much bad bacteria can be tracked into the house that way? I take care to not wear them on floors such as carpet because they are harder to clean.

  10. I dont!!!!!!!! I hate shoes!!

  11. I'm from America, and I hate wearing shoes. As soon as I get inside I take mine off.

    We should have a national foot liberation day, then all of those perpetually-shoed people can see the light and let their toes breathe.

  12. because they are lazy

  13. As you can tell from these answers, there are quite a few Americans who do not wear shoes in the house. I'm American, and I'm answering your question in my socks right now!

    I hate shoes. I always take them off right at the door, even when visiting other people. Maybe I would fit in well in Canada, since I walk around in my stocking feet indoors!

  14. Why DON'T you wear shoes in the house?

    It's just the way it is.

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