
Why do animal products make auto-immune diseases worse?

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My Aunt was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and her rheumatologist suggested trying a vegan diet. I also met a woman who went vegan after she was diagnosed with Lupus. What is there in animal foods that causes auto-immune disease flare-ups?




  1. Among other things meats and other animal products change the balance of the bodies PH balance from slightly alkaline to acidic. When it comes to the immune system it operates much more healthy being slightly alkaline.

    As memory serves me all meats, eggs, and pasteurized diary are all acidic. As for the grains most of them are acidic too, except millet. This is something to think about for a culture addicted to wheat.

    Many fruits are alkaline but some are acidic.

    I find it interesting that almost any green vegetable, especially the leafy kind are almost all alkalizing.

  2. I would assume that the purity of a vegan diet would boost an immune system. As Hollywood says, dairy is mucous causing and meat contributes to cholestrol which can throw your whole body out of sync. Being asthmatic I can vouch for the dairy claim, it certainly used to make me worse.

    Also I suspect the vegan diet would be high in essential oils from nuts and seeds and veg (important for anyone with artritis) and most vegans would be concious of their vitamin and mineral intake so it's an over all heatlh decision.

  3. Interesting. Dairy products increase mucus production which is why doctors may advise people to avoid dairy if they are ill. This is not propoganda, it's a fact that is stated in many of my academic nutrition books. My dad has been ill for a while now, his doctors have said dairy was making him worse so he has cut it out completely. Dairy was lowering his immunity, effectively damaging his health. (And none of the family thought dairy, of all things, would be the culprit!). My mum also has been told that she should be cutting down on her dairy intake because of her health problems.

    The BBC did an article on how a vegan diet may help sufferers of arthiritis. I think it's really interesting:


  4. The main reason would be because a vegan diet would lower, but not eliminate, the risk of infection. Cooking all food would make the diet even safer.

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