
Why do animals attack people?

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why do animals attack people !!! even without a reason?

do they think about it or do they just follow instinct? or do they think they are food?




  1. Well, it definately is not as simple as "why do animals attack people?"

    First of all, there is ALWAYS a reason. There is no such thing as a reaction based on nothing! The problem is that people do not "speak" animal. They do not always understand what the animal is feeling. I can asure you that most healthy animals will give plenty of warning before going to the trouble of an actual physical attack. It is just that people aren't intuative enough to read the animals' body language, and whe nit does "attack" it seems like it's out of no where.

    Secondly, it very much depends on the actual animal. Something like a wild coyote will suddenly lunge at a guy because this i what it does. It is hunting, and if it sees something it thinks it can successfully kill, it will go for it. This is why it is a rule never to tease or feed wild animals, for example.

    If it is a pet, like a dog or cat, its instincts are usually thrown so to speak. Meaning they aren't going to hunt the people to eat, but still have some hunting instinct in them which sort of goes undirected (since they are domestic). But when attacks do occur, it will always be brought on by something. A dog might be suspicious of someone on their property. Or it might sense that you are nervous and get nervous itself. Now in these cases, it is up to the owner to train their pets to stay calm, an obey. Because many pet owners fail to do this, they might have a scaredy dog which turns aggressive because it feels the need to protect itself. But this is never the animal's fault, always the people's.

    In other words, you are phrasing your question wrong. Asking why animals attack people is like asking why some people get into fights, or why others read books, etc. It is something we do, and it is caused by other actions which bring it on. So it is never for no reason. And it is always brought on by people.

  2. The key word in your question is "reason".

    Animals don't reason the same way we do, if at all.

    We can think in our brains that we're harmless and don't want to hurt the animal.

    Animals don't think that way.

    They're thinking "enemy".

    Attack the enemy before the enemy attacks me.

    Smells, sounds, food availability, the animals general health (sick, painful animals will strike out at beloved humans), territory, time of year, the presence of the animal's babies, are all factors in animal attacks.

    You have to be smart and use common sense around ANY animal, whether it's your pet Labrador or a wild lion, tiger or bear.

    Some animals don't "reason".

    Sharks and other predators smell blood/food and go into feeding mode.  They aren't too concerned about anything but eating.  Call it mistaken identity, or deliberate uncaring as to what food it is as long as they're eating.

  3. it could be their natural instinct. but also their are many reasons on why they attack people in the first place.

  4. Sometimes they attack people because they have rabbies and they feel angry..Or they can attack because of how they wer treated in the past....Maybe they got negleted!

  5. no.animals generally do not attack humans.most animal attacks on humans were done on a purpose.

    contrary to the popular belief,animals are much more scared of us than we are of them.animals may only attack on some basis:

    *hunger:most animals on the wild nowadays are running out of food to prey they tend to attack on whatever available prey there is to eat.that may include humans if ever humans cross their hunting grounds.

    *protection:some animals attack only when they feel threatened.mostly this happens when they are with the offspring.a good example here is a bear with its offspring.most people believe that bears are naturally deadly.but contrary to it,it's just trying to protect itself and its young.

    *territory:most animals have their own territory.they attack when another animal,including humans, enters their territory.that's why they attack.

    remember:no animal attacks unless they feel threatened.mostly it's man's fault why animals attack.

    i hope i helped!

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