
Why do anthropologists didn't excavate the other side of the neader valley?

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was that because they realized that they were denuding the valley?




  1. Because zee ozer -side was owned by Herr Schiphenauer und der vill shooot anyvone what puts ein foot on zee property!


    Zo, stay always away!

  2. The remains of the first Neanderthal were found in a cave during limestone mining operations. It took four years for then to be examined and cataloged. They were matched with similar remains found earlier in Belgium and Gibraltar.

    The Neander Valley was stripped of it's limestone by mining operations. The cave and even the limestone cliff where the remains were found is gone. As caves form in limestone, the entire valley was 'excavated." In 1999 excavations in a valley removed 6 feet of quarry waste and found more parts of the original remains.

    The destruction of an important archaeological site still occurs. The location where "Kenniwick Man" was found has been crushed when the Army Corps of Engineers dumped tons of rocks on it. Further study and recovery of artifacts as well has human remains is now impossible.

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