
Why do anti-feminists fight a losing battle?

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I mean, no-one takes them seriously, most people in the world are feminists, they're never going to win, so why bother? Shouldn't anti-feminists just get with the programme and accept their sexist, anti-equality propaganda is never going to work? :-)




  1. any chance of cloning me?

  2. Feminism started out on the right path with a proper mission.   However, the 1960s and 1970s really turned it in the wrong direction.  Violently killing our children in our wombs has created much depression among women who can't seem to believe the lie of the "choice" they made.  Having disrespectful children because one is not home to care for them before and after school is not what women desire, they WANT to raise their children (with the exception of a few who shouldn't be opening their legs if they're too concerned with material wealth to care for their child).  Playing the victim gets real old real fast.  And trying to deny our God given dignity is just plain old silly and truly leads to our unhappiness.  Sorry, but many women, young and old alike, just aren't buying into the modern-day feminist arguements.  Those arguements just cause too much destruction and life is too short to be destroyed so early and frequently.

  3. I would love to agree with you but i think you're wrong. anti-feminist propaganda has done much in the last couple of years to hold back feminist progress. for example, the media spreading vile and disgusting attitudes towards rape has in part led to the lowest rape conviction rates since the 1950's in britain, and to the blame for rape being shunted onto female victims.

    Backlashes are always around, but hopefully they are around because we are getting somewhere - in this train of thought, maybe you are right: anti-feminists are so angry because they know that they will lose the argument.

  4. I love the periodic ominous "warnings" that get posted about how "feminism's time is about to end" or "things are going to change."

    Like there is a little army of woman-haters forming an anti-feminist Taliban to march in and force women to assume 50s gender roles. I guess spouting that laughable garbage makes them feel better about their shortcomings, but it just makes me laugh.

  5. Bcause they have nothing better to do

  6. Allow me; never mind; I'm going to tell you how I see things.  First off who in the h**l cares what you think; to be fair I don't care what you, or anyone thinks of what I think; were I to ever care about that I would have contacts; I don't have any and I don't want any.  Life is a battle Eleanor; some battles are fought with bombs, guns and tanks; while others are fought with words; otherwise known as an argument; with each side gathering as much weaponry, information and what not; on the enemy as possible into their arsenal; for what you ask.  Why to take advantage of a given situation.. The truth is when any of us takes a step back it gives our enemy more of an opportunity to take advantage of the situation; something that neither side can or should allow. In a battle you should push as hard as they push; even harder.Edit: In truth; it doesn't matter whether I win or lose; basically I could careless.  I see the world only in black and white; at times it's in sharper relief than others; to me there is no grey; just varying shades of black and white; some lighter and some darker. Battles will always go on is the way I see it; whether I'm alive or dead more and more issues will be fought over.  The valiant ones are the one who stay their position no matter how hard the going gets, that to me is a battle won.

  7. Most women are anti-feminists ,

    (Im not opening the man-side view )

    so who is losing ( or already lost ) the battle ?

  8. Come on, Eleanor, who are we kidding... It is a well-known fact that feminism is all about manhating (while disguised as an equality movement) and most people will not subscribe to an ideology which is based on hate. Plain and simple. There is no place for hatemongers in the free world.

  9. Yes, I agree it is a losing battle they are fighting.  However there are many people fighting losing battles, typically they involve hate.  I also believe traditional feminism (fighting for just women's rights) is fighting a losing battle as well.  Women have legal rights, most injustices towards women are social injustices.

  10. Why does anyone fight a losing battle? They believe they are right and don't let silly things like data or facts or research get in their way. Some of the most entertaining anti-feminists (or horrifying depending on your perspective) are the right-wing religious conservative types fighting to regain control of America and women specifically. I still think Pat Robertson sums up the paranoia the best of what anti-feminists think they are "battling":

    "Feminism is a socialist, anti-family, political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."

  11. WOW El...don't you think its possible to agree with the message, but not the approach?  I think you'll find that most of the anti-fems (not the trolls) are in this category.  I know I am....I will defend the notion of equality for all human beings anywhere, anytime, anyhow - but I find myself less inclined to align with a movement that fosters so much hypocricy.

  12. Perhaps they fight so that when the laws you feminists pass cause society becomes a complete a total garbage heap, they can honestly say they stood against the c**p feminists forced upon society.

  13. You seem to think being anti-feminist is equal to being sexist.  I am not a sexist, but I passionately disagree with the political ideology of feminism as one that circumvents the democratic process and attempts to manipulate laws in the courts with a disregard for Constitutional jurisprudence.  

    I don't know what census data you saw which led you to believe that most people in the world are feminists, but I would like to see it.  I believe feminism as it exists today is not at all concerned about equality of the sexes, but the advancement of a multi-pronged liberal agenda.  

    And you better take me and other anti-feminists seriously.  We vote, and we've got numbers.

  14. Your convulted *** backwards logic is truly amusing. If Feminism is winning as you say it is. Why then are Men striking marriage one in four Men are now? Why has one in Five US Marriages in the year 2006 been to a Foreign Woman? Why did Feminists insert IMBRA into the reauthorization of VAWA in 2005, criminalizing online dating for US Men without a background check? The Law declares US Men to be criminals and abusers Per Se without due process.

    Why has the US passed a Law in June of this year confiscating US Assets if Men go exPat and leave the US? In other words hold their assets at least 30% of them hostage. Men are voting with their feet. Marrying Foreign Women, leaving the US. US Men behind on the Child Support are denied US Passports. Slaves are not allowed to leave the Plantation, the Master (Feminized Government) objects to it.

    Equity Feminists maintain that equality has been achieved. What Feminism is about Now is Gender hatred of Men, Government intrusion into our Private Lives, absurd and dictatorial Family Law Court system. That treats Terrorists better than Fathers. Feminists who post here are upset that Men are pushing back.

    The Momentum is changing. Go to and read Dr. Linda Mills site on her new book. It refutes the core arguments of the current Domestic Abuse model and the Duluth Model. It doesn't work. It prevents real Domestic Abuse reform from solving the problem.  Trouble is Feminist Groups are more concerned with their revenue stream than solving the problem.

  15. We might ask the same question about feminism. Sorry Eleanor, but most women don't hate men.  Therefore, feminists have an uphill battle.

  16. You mentioned trolls in one of your posts and for some reason you are sounding a lot like a troll yourself.

  17. wow, your pretty harsh person.  too bad you think life is some dumb battle.

  18. I'm fighting a battle against misinformation, feminism is just one facet of the larger war.

  19. I love it, if someone does not agree with every point of your premise then they are sexist, anti-equality?! That is why people will never stop fighting much of what modern feminism has become, it went from equal chances' to do the same job as men to quotas, to lowering of physical standards, and to what has become an intolerance for anything that they do not agree with. Give the people with logic and who live in the real world a call when you really want things to be fair.

  20. most ppl in the world are feminists?

    ok most ppl in the united states are feminists..sure..

    but the whole world? they probably have no idea what feminism is.

    and if i ask most ppl i know..they either have no real idea what it is...or they just basically dont give a f*ck.

  21. I have a different perspective than college students.  I've grown up with feminism and seen its effects.  Feminism ISN'T a losing battle.  I haven't seen a single man-hater, ever.  I don't see a workplace where women are resented for their achievements, or paid less (or more) than men.  The only change to the Consitution feminists supported has been the Equal Rights Amendement, which tanked.  Funny how the antis don't realize that the ERA would have prevented the situations in which they claim women want "more" rights than men.

    It's also a fallacy that "feminists change laws in the courts to favor women."  That assumes that men who dislike the laws aren't as strong or smart as feminists and can't fight back on their behalf if they thinkit's necessary.  All feminism did here was call attention to the unfair situations that had been in place for years.  The antis forget that feministsm fought more for what's best for children than what's best for women.  

    They actually aren't fighting for anything.  They'd rather gripe about imaginary slights online than actually DO SOMETHING for themselves.  If their numbers are as substantial as they claim, they could make a difference.  But they're not and they won't.

  22. Let me guess. Youve never met a dilusional feminist have you. Case in point.

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