
Why do ants and fly rub their legs together and sorta rub their heads too?

by  |  earlier

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ive seen ants and flys to this all the time but what does it mean. when they rub their arms/ or legs together then rub their head




  1. Because they can.

  2. When they rub their legs together they r smelling something. I kno it sounds crazy but my science teacher told me all about it and shes the #1 science teacher in the state. When the rub their heads its like they r cleaning themselves just like rodents do.

  3. Id wash myself to if I landed on manure.

  4. That's how they clean themselves.

  5. they have an itch

  6. They are cleaning themselves, and especially the areas that do the majority of 'sensing'.  For example, insects clean their antennae, legs and head (and the hair on these parts) because these are the parts of the body which they use most for sensing their surrounding environment.  When these body parts become dirty, they are not able to 'feel' things as well.

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