
Why do arabs dont speak their language and take English instead ?

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like its their naiive English, they even read quran in english

its called Arab's Language

the only people in this whole history who have their own language is Arabs

shame on you!




  1. Its called Styleee :D ..kidding :D

    Anyways i dont find anything wrong in that

    I speak english with my friends instead of speakin in hindi or urdu cos we find it more comfortable

  2. 1)Yahoo guidelines say that you shouldn't use another language.

    2)In English speaking countries, you should speak English. Just like in France I am expected to speak French.

    3)I think most people, not just arabs read the Quran in arabic.

    4)Give up the hate. Makes you look huglyyy.

    @ the ignorant dude: You know, its really bad to remove a verse from the Quran and use it for your own context. Please read the surrounding verses so that you don't create a separate meaning for the word fo Allah.

  3. I have never heard of any Arab reading Quran in English.  I even read it in Arabic and English is my first language.  I think you may be exaggerating a bit

  4. well, English is really important now!! it is good that Arabs knows English!!

    but reading Qur'an in English is not good!!

  5. English is the INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE.  It is wise for anyone to learn it.  Speaking English gives you access to more information (especially in these Internet days) than any other language.

    I don't think the Arabs you speak of are abandoning their people or their language.  I think that they are trying to learn English so that they can learn more information in general, information that might benefit the Arab people in the long run.

    Most Americans are encouraged to take a second language because it expands their horizons, even though English is our native tongue.  The Arab world will serve itself better if it learns a foreign language too--and if I were native to a foreign country, I would encourage my children to take English for the common sense reason that it is the International Language and thus would give my children access to the most information, and ability to talk to the most foreigners, than any other language.

    It may also be the way to Peace.  The more Arabs that can speak their views to the Western world, the more Westerners there are who will hear you.  Percentage-wise there are hardly any Arabs living in the US.  Americans don't understand that the majority of Arabs seek peace.

    Learning English, as your friends are doing, will enable them to communicate with average American and English citizens. Few Americans will seek to learn the Arab language--most of us seek to learn Spanish as a 2nd language for practical reasons.

  6. have you read this in a newspaper?

  7. i find English is easier than Arabic ! i luv Arabic as a language and i speak it often so i don't use English unless i had to ... like when i talk to a foreigner !!

  8. They do speak their native language.. when they are around people who dont know their native language then they use the most common language for communicating.. thats English!  

  9. Misconception.


    The word “Arab” has an old and new usage. This terminology went through various periods in history in regards to its meaning with the scholars of the Arabic language.

    Before Islam, it was used to mean anyone that lives in the Arabian Peninsula. This was mentioned by Shaykh-ul-Islam ibn Taymiyyah is his book, Iqtidah as-Siraat-ul-Mustaqim:

    The Term “Arab” was used for the people who had three characteristics:

    1] Their language was Arabic

    2] They were from the children of the Arabs

    3] Their residence was in the land of the Arabs, the Arabian Peninsula

    After the coning of Islam and its spread in the world, this term was used to mean a Muslim. If it was said that a person was an Arab it meant he was a Muslim.

    Ibn Taymiyyah quoted Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn ‘Alee ibn Hussein bin ‘Alee who said: “Whoever is born in Islam is an Arab.”

    It has been reported upon the Prophet [sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam] that he said: “Whoever loves the Arabs, then due to my love they love them, and whoever hates the Arabs then due to my hatred, they hate them.”

    Perhaps the Messenger [sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam] meant with the “Arabs” the Muslims. This word then acquired another meaning and was used for anyone who spoke the Arabic language.

    It was narrated upon the Messenger [sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam] that he ascended the mimbar, praised Allaah and then said: “O mankind! Surely the Lord is one Lord, the father is one father the deen is one deen. Surely Arabic is not for anyone of you due to a father or a mother, it is only a language. Whoever speaks Arabic is an Arab.”

    It has been narrated upon Abu Hurayrah [radee Allaahu ‘anhu], marfu’an: “As long as you speak Arabic then you are an Arab.

    So the term “Arabic” ended up referring to a language and not an ethnicity. Whoever learned and spoke Arabic, no matter from where he came or from which ethnicity he belonged to he was an Arab. If one did not learn or speak Arabic then he is a non-Arab even if his forefathers were from the pure Arabs. So being an Arab is not an inherited trait but rather an earned trait. Hence, it is a reference to the language and not to an ethnicity or lineage.


    The importance of this language, the Arabic language, like other international languages, is that it has a great role in the transmission of knowledge between continents. It also has a great role in international social, academic, political and economic relations. In addition, it has great importance to a Muslim’s life in specific since Allaah has chosen it for His great Book, the lasting miracle of the Prophet Muhammad [sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam]. And He [subhaanahu wa ta’aala] mentioned this language in a praiseworthy manner when He mentioned in His revelation:

    “And truly, this [the Qur’aan] is a revelation from the Lord of the ‘Alameen [mankind, jinn’s and all that exists], which the trustworthy Rooh [Jibrael [Gabriel]] has brought down; Upon your heart [O Muhammad SAW] that you may be [one] of the warners, in the plain Arabic language.” [Ash-Shu'ara 26:192-195]

    He [subhaanahu wa ta’aala] also said:

    “And indeed We have put forth for men, in this Qur’aan every kind of similitude in order that they may remember. An Arabic Qur’aan, without any crookedness [therein] in order that they may avoid all evil which Allaah has ordered them to avoid, fear Him and keep their duty to Him.” [Az-Zumar 39:27-28]


    “Verily, We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur’aan in order that you may understand.” [Yusuf 12:2]


    “And indeed We know that they [polytheists and pagans] say: ‘It is only a human being who teaches him [Muhammad SAW].’ The tongue of the man they refer to is foreign, while this [the Qur’aan] is a clear Arabic tongue.” [An-Nahl 16:103]


    “And if We had sent this as a Qur’aan in a foreign language other than Arabic, they would have said: ‘Why are not its Verses explained in detail [in our language]? What! [A Book] not in Arabic and [the Messenger] an Arab?’ Say: ‘It is for those who believe, a guide and a healing. And as for those who disbelieve, there is heaviness [deafness] in their ears, and it [the Qur’aan] is blindness for them. They are those who are called from a place far away [so they neither listen nor understand]’.” [Fussilat 41:44]

  10. Im not Arab but if someone wants to preach others to his religion he or she has to do every thing because the purpose is for God .

    can you understand Arabic if you are not Arab?!!!  

  11. Go to the West coast and tell me how many different Asian languages you here on the street, and tell me if you think all those people that live in North America that don't even know how to say hello should be in there also?  Immigration failed 2x.. they didn't do the moron test for the men, and they don't bother making them learn it. If said country wants you to be in such state they would offer it free, like a turkey on Christmas!

    Grow a brain will ya!

    Let me see if I read that right..... why do Arabs.. then don't speak their own language.. (OK they are speaking something else) and take English instead.. OK so that means 3 languages right?

    LOL  Dude! The languages all in the blood of Adam and the races and creeds.. Invent a translator and become a billionaire.. just hold it next to anyone and it translates to your language.

    Besides English is a very retarded language to begin with, makes very little sense in many exceptions and rules.

  12. 1) Your English is incomprehensible

    2) Arab's speak Arabic more than English, unless they are trying to practice for business or if they do not know Arabic well.

    I have never ever seen any 'Arab who knows Arabic read the Qur'aan in English unless they are not very good in Arabic (and there are a few Arabs like this).

    Arabs generally speak Arabic. One Najraani Saudi was talking to me about how his boss teamed him up with an English speaker so that he can learn English for work, the English speaker ended up learning Arabic and communicating in Arabic. Don't get it wrong, many Arabs love speaking Arabic, even the ones who are paying money to learn English will speak Arabic in the classrooms whenever they get the chance.  

  13. Maybe they just want to acculmulate knowledge. You speak English too and that is a good thing, right?;-))

  14. omg!!! reading quran in english?!! i don't even have a copy of it...alhamdulelah i read Arabic quran,and i don't speak english in daily life at all...

  15. If you live in an English-speaking country then you should speak English to other people, otherwise its rude because others won't be able to understand you.

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