
Why do asian families favor boys more?

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i heard that in asian families, they favor boys more. why? is it because they carry the last name or something? thanks.




  1. To correct some people's mistaken...

    At least for Chinese, women do NOT take their husbands' family name.

    However, the kids do take their fathers' family name...usually.

    So yes, those stubborn old fashioned people think sons are better because of they can pass on their family name to their kids.  While daughters will become a part of other people's family.    

    This only apply to those mostly farmers who are not very well educated or old people who will never change their mind.   More and more people don't care if they get a daughter or son.   It has been that way for a while in cities.

  2. they are seen as to carry the family bloodline i believe

  3. like tyler says, boys are believed to carry the bloodline and family name (because of their family jewels, if you know what I mean).

    also, males like in america, tends to be the head of the households, where the females are married outside and thus considered outside of the family and worthless.  For girls, you lose what you raised.  

    Also x 2, it's based on the stereotypes that girls can't do as well as boys.  

    In the older times, girls can't farm as well to make money, can't study to bring honor to the family name as a scholar. (followed by many asian cultures, girls don't go to school), etc.

    Today, because of the population in china, china only allows per family to have ONE child.  Thus, in secret, if parents have a girl, they kill her or sell her, so they can have a second child and hopefully it will be a boy.

  4. It is a primitive mindset that many cultures, not just Asian, subscribe to. In order to carry the family name after marriage, in a traditional sense, the male would have to be the one. However, recent practices change that where some men actually carry the woman's name or the hyphenate.  

  5. To carry on the family name.

  6. They carry more than bloodline.

    Boys are still the provider of the family and they are expected to provide for their own parents when they are old.

    Girls are usually seen as being "given away" when married because they hardly ever even visit their own parents after marriage, either willingly or not. That's 20+ years of raising the child, with nothing in return whatsoever.

  7. Boys carry the family last name

  8. Yes, they'll carry on the last name. When a daughter marries out, she usually changes her last name to her husband's. When a daughter marries, the family kind of sees it as giving away the daughter to another family but when a son gets married, some other family gives their daughter to your family.  And in case something happens to the dad, the person who will become the head of the household would be the son.  

  9. They carry family name

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