
Why do atheists ask questions...?

by Guest58782  |  earlier

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...outside of R&S???

Did the Theists finally win? Did they kick you guys out of R&S or something?




  1. Unlike some Believers we don't continue to ask the same questions over and over again......and expect to get a different answer.

    That's what idiots do.

  2. whatever makes you happy dude.

  3. I just asked one within this group, actually.

    Just because I wasn't OBVIOUSLY sarcastic or rude doesn't mean I'm not atheist.

  4. no, the theists just keep reporting everything they disagree with, and questions and answers are being deleted

  5. Nonsensical question. Are you under a delusion that atheists can't ask questions wherever we choose to ?

    Thats would be extraordinarily ignorant of you.

  6. Drink.....what?

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