
Why do atheists pretend to be humble?

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When they have already made up their minds? They claim to know that God is nonexistent because there is "no proof."




  1. My position is that I lack belief in any gods. I'm  open to new evidence as it becomes available. Perhaps a better question is, "Why do some believers enjoy making sweeping generalizations about atheists?"

  2. I'm not pretending, did you not see my humble-hat?

    "#1 Humblest Person"

  3. Oh Lord it's hard to be humble,

    When you're prefect in every way,

    I just can't wait to look in the mirror,

    Cause I get better looking each day.

    God love you!

  4. Not completely sure what being humble or not has to do with being an atheist.

    I suppose everyone except agnostics have 'made up their minds' about either the existence or the existence of a god or gods.  If that makes any of us 'not humble' then we're in good company.

  5. So christians are smug, and condescending, and arrogant!! And believe in a fairy tale!

    And we atheists are humble.  No fairy tales!!  I would call it sensible, logical, and sane, but humble???

    Okay!! I can handle that!!

  6. Well the fact is that there is no proof. Nor is there any evidence.

    The next theist to provide such evidence will be the first in history to do so.

  7. Why do christians pretend to be humble when they also claim to be in favor and direct contact with the creator and overseer of the universe?  

  8. Atheists do not pretend to be humble. Christians often make such pretense, all the while claiming to know what their fairy is going to do with everyone else after death. Atheists do not pretend to know that god is non-existent. We do not waste our time refuting all of the thousands of fairies that people believe in. Christians, however, are quite guilty of this. Christians determine that out of the thousands of fairies that people believe in, they know which one don't really exist and which ones do. Far from humble, wouldn't you agree.

  9. Some are really humble.  They aren't pretending.  It's foolish of you to generalize.  No one is perfect, and at least one of theose who answered  is about as far from it as one can get.

  10. Why do theists pretend to be intelligent and honest, when they have already made up their non minds ? They claim that their gawd is existant in spite of offering AbZero evidence for him.

    Since it is YOUR side who makes the positive claim, that means that YOU have The Burden Of Proof.

    No proof EVER offered ? Factless theist claim always then fails. QED.

  11. Not only is there no proof, there is significant evidence against creationism that you choose to ignore.

    "Any philosophy that can be 'put in a nutshell' belongs there."

    Sydney J. Harris, American journalist (1917-1986)

  12. "Your honor, years ago I concluded I was no better than the lowest creature on earth. While there is a criminal class, I am in it. While there is a working class, I am of it. While there is one soul in prison, I am not free." -Eugene V. Debs, 1920 (Atheist being sent to prison for speaking out against the First World War.)

  13. I never claimed to be humble.

    And if you find some proof of "god" I would be willing to change my mind.

  14. And Christians claim to know that God is existent because there is a "book". So what?

  15. Agnostics are humble.

    Most atheists are actually agnostic they just don't know the difference.

    True Atheists are no different to the rest of religious people they flatly believe in something that they can't prove.

  16. And you claim to know God exists because it says so in an old book, much of which has been proven to be untrue, still more of which *must* be untrue because it contradicts other bits of the same book. What's the point of your question?

  17. While Christians claim to know that God exists and prove it with a book that has multiple errors, flaws, contradictions, and immoral acts (stoning children to death).

    In fact, the Christians shout us down louder than anyone else. They continue to shove their beliefs down our throats, and claim that it is for the greater good.

    Also, many have seen a believer call an Atheist "BLASPHEMER", but have yet to see an Atheist call a believer "GOD BELIEVER!"

  18. No. I claim God doesn't exist because so many others claim he does, and yet, the only thing they have to offer as an inducement to believe are fear tactics, or assuming the warrant that faith is all I need. I'm not afraid just because you tell me I should be, and warrants are unproven until tested. Since you can't test a warrant like faith, it is irrelevant.

  19. Sweetie, you are very confused. I don't pretend to be anything. I'm terrible at acting. What you see with me is what you get. Humbleness comes from your spirit, not from your logical mind. It is a condition of the heart, not a biased brain. Try it some time.

  20. If you are humble then you will admit that you could be wrong about God existing. Do you admit that?

    I admit that I may be wrong about the non-existence of God. Its just very unlikely that I am wrong.  

  21. What I don't understand is why many atheists bang on about God more than religious people?... It's like, if you don't believe in God, then why do you continue to ask questions about it?... Why do you care!?

  22. And Christians have made up their minds to believe with no proof.

    I don't see what's humble about that.

    I don't know that God doesn't exist with 100% accuracy. I just think it's highly unlikely.

  23. Humble:

    1: not proud or haughty : not arrogant or assertive

    2: reflecting, expressing, or offered in a spirit of deference or submission

    3 a: ranking low in a hierarchy or scale  b: not costly or luxurious

    What does being humble or not have to do with belief in a deity or not?

  24. There are people of every belief system that are humble. Just as there are people of every faith who are narrow minded and judgmental.

  25. Please do not go down this road. If someone has not experienced salvation or the love of God, then they will never understand. I have known atheist who have come to the faith, but not by me trying to convince them that God is..but rather because God draw them to Him as He said He would. No matter how many proof is there, it will never matter unless they have a personal experience. How many times did someone talk to you about Jesus before you received Him and even then wasn't it because the Spirit of God convicted your heart?

    Love and Blessings

  26. Why do Christians pretend to be humble?

    When they have already made up their minds? They claim to know that God exists because there is "proof" in a book.

  27. Humble is NOT a word I would use to describe me ... and nor would anybody else.

    "They claim to know that God is nonexistent because there is "no proof." "


    Kid, if there's proof, put up or shut-up AND

    There is NO evidence to support the belief in the existence of invisible sky critters.

    Theism is a crutch for people who don't understand science.


  28. So making up your mind about something, automatically makes you not humble?  How do you ever get up and dressed in the morning?

  29. Somethings wrong with being humble?

  30. If they are, they're doing a bad job, they come off as smug as those fellows with hybrid cars.

  31. You are sadly mistaken.

    Most atheists I know are open to any evidence that may be presented.  Show us the evidence, and if it is valid, we will believe.

    Try that position with the god-believers.  Most of them claim to have knowledge that their god exists, yet can provide no evidence to support that alleged knowledge.  In addition, they also claim to have faith (belief without knowledge).  

    Go figure.

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