
Why do atheists require evidence for everything except that human reason is the best if not the only way to?

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comprehend reality?




  1. This human's reason says if there's no evidence, if it's not plausible, then I ain't gonna buy it.

  2. Why DON'T Christians require evidence for the existence of "God"?


  3. its plausible for humans to require evidence for everything...thats how everything came about

    i dont believe in the tooth fairy or santa either because theres evidence that they dont exist and ive never seen evidence that god exists so why should i believe in that?

  4. Uh... why do Christians require "proof" of everything except their god?

    Irony, anyone?

  5. Because they are not some freak asleep like you. Face sweetheart, you need to take the red pill.

  6. Not necessarily human reason but testable, repeatable hypotheses

  7. Can you rephase your question, I do not quite understand it. Do you mean we should not be asking for any evidence to believe in something? If that is so, may I interest you in a multi-million business opportunity?

  8. I wonder if they needed proof and evidence to know who their mom and dad was

    A Christians proof is in their faith, this world and our lives..

    certain things don't require evidence when all it takes is common sense

    can an Atheist think naturally without referring to scientific evidence...

    God created the universe, world and all living things with a purpose.. the only thing science is doing is trying to figure out what God did.. but they will always fall short, because human knowledge can't go above their creator

  9. We can already comprehend reality, so we obviously don't need evidence of it.

  10. Because most humans are crazy...

  11. human reason defining reality?!?!?!

    we can't even keep a good cease fire going half the time without some suicide bomber going off!  that's reality!  where is the reasoning in that?

  12. Too many bad assumptions in your question.

    Atheists do not require evidence for everything. Nobody does or can.

    Many atheists do require evidence for the claim that human reason is the best or only way to comprehend reality. For one thing, the modern empiricism of science, which many atheists think is the best way to comprehend the universe, has little use for human reason. Empiricism can be at odds with rationalism, and modern empiricists would stress that the rational arguments humans have made in the past about the nature of the universe have turned out to be wrong. They would hold that observation and experimentation is the best way to comprehend reality.

    Managing to get two blatantly false assumptions in to one question is very impressive.

  13. They don't understand and never will as long as they remain Atheists because spiritual things are spiritually discerned.  You try and tell them that and they don't understand that either.

  14. And what part of "reason" tells you to believe in magical, invisible, supernatural beings?

    I do believe in reason.  But there is nothing reasonable about the dark-age mentality of believing in and bowing down and worshiping God(s).

  15. Wow.

  16. It's probably the pendulum effect.  Society was once so unreasonable, and now our reaction is to become so reasonable that we leave out other valuable tools of perception, such as conscience.

  17. The evidence is all around you.  For example, you have food in your belly, are wearing clothes, and sitting in front of a computer.  All products of human reason.

  18. I don't require evidence.  I just choose not to believe.  Why does that upset you so?

  19. Why do you say "except"? Reasonable thought DEMANDS evidence for extraordinary claims.

  20. Huh?

    Where'd you hear that?

  21. Ironically, that question is a modified (and incomplete) if/then statement meant to convince us that logic is not a good method to use.

  22. I'm sorry, isn't a civilization built on reason and science good enough evidence for you?

  23. If human reason alone, without looking at the evidence is the best way ti comprehend reality, why has there been so many ridiculous beliefs throughout history? People who don't want to look at evidence rely on wishful thinking to be their guide. Not a good idea.

  24. Because some people are better at logic and reasoning than others.

    If you asked me to judge whose reason I trusted more, Einstein or Jerry Falwell, who do you think I would pick?

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