
Why do atheists waste their life trying to refute Christians?

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Just about every atheist I have known makes such a big deal about Christians and other religious people wasting their lives, but aren't the atheists wasting THEIR lives by spending time attempting to refute them, and answer them? It seems to me all the silly atheist remarks in these forums against the religious folks would be considered a huge waste of your lives.

If your life here is all you get, why in the world spend it on religious people. isn't that allowing the very religions you hate to monopolize your lives as well?




  1. No, because every little bit we can do to help bring the human race the rest of the way out of the dark ages helps.

  2. 1. We don't hate religion, we hate what happens when it is taken too far

    2. It's nice to generalize isn't it?

    3. Some of my fellow atheist, myself included, need to blow off some steam every once and a while. This site makes that so very easy

  3. I could say the same thing about you.

  4. Oh dear, do I need to quote here. ok.

    President Bush (the First)

    "Atheists Are Not Citizens"

    Documents Found

          For seventeen years, people have been asking me for proof that a conversation took place between Vice President Bush and me in which George H. W. Bush told me that atheists should not be regarded as citizens, nor should they be regarded as patriotic, because this country is "One nation under God."  Copies of correspondence about that issue have now been located.

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          At a news conference in Chicago on August 27, 1987 (not 1988 as has been reported elsewhere), which I covered as a fully credentialed journalist, I asked Vice President Bush several questions.  In response to one question, Bush said, "I don't know that atheists should be regarded as citizens, nor should they be regarded as patriotic.  This is one nation under God."  The March 3, 2002, edition of Liberal News & Commentary contains the full story about that news conference and my verbal exchanges with Mr. Bush.

          Ever since then, people from around the country and around the world have called or e-mailed me, saying, "Where's the proof?"

          Several internet reports, such as this one, have made reference to letters exchanged by the late Jon Garth Murray, then-President of American Atheists, and The White House, in February, 1989.  According to those reports, Mr. Murray strongly objected to this presidential smear of atheists and White House counsel C. Boyden Gray replied by saying that the President is entitled to hold any view that he wants regarding atheists.  It is likely that the origin of those internet reports was a story in either the American Atheist Magazine or one of their newsletters.

          Being a print journalist, I didn't bother to make a tape of my conversation with Bush because my story would only appear in writing.  I had never seen nor asked to see the letters because I was there, so I knew that the events had actually taken place.  Others, however, wanted proof.  Where's a tape or a copy of the letters, they would ask.

          Today, I contacted the Bush Presidential Library in College Station, Texas.  I asked if there was any chance that such documents could possibly exist;  if they did exist, was there any chance that the documents would be stored at the Bush Presidential Library;  if the documents did exist and were housed at the Bush Library, what was the chance that they could find such documents amongst the millions of items in their collection;  and if they could find the documents, could I please obtain a copy?

          A team of archivists went to work on the matter right away.  Within a couple of hours, they had found the documents.  They are archived as Item # CF01193-002.  They'd be glad to send me a copy, but I'd have to send in an FOI (Freedom of Information Act) request.  Due to a backlog of requests, it would take about two years for them to get the documents to me.

          I have begun the process of obtaining copies.  In the meantime, if you're ever in Texas, stop by the Bush Library and maybe you can see those documents for yourself.

  5. Generally it is quick and easy.

    The fact that the Christians ignore the facts, run away and declare victory does not make them correct.

    It is quite fun watching the reactions.

  6. I'll have you know, kind sir, I am ALSO searching for nude pictures of Bugs Bunny right now.

  7. You make a valid point. However, you may need to consider that we all feel the need to justify our existence, maybe that is the  way these people justify theirs.

  8. Why do black people waste their life trying to refute the KKK?

    That should clear it up for you, sparky.

    I would rather devote a portion of my time to exposing your cult, than spend ALL of my time being oppressed by it.  You don't understand why non-believers are opposed to your cult, because you are brainwashed, and can't see the damage your cult is doing to everyone else.

  9.      You have to understand, in Gods eyes, they are already dead, but they don't know it.  "To be carnally minded, is death, and to be spiritually minded is life"

         Atheists, are as those, in Noah's time, who laughed at him for building an Ark on dry land, with no rain in sight.  But when the rain came, many of the world wanted in the Ark, but the door was closed.  So shall it be in the near future.  Christ is upon this earth now, teaching his people, through the Holy Spirit, but those who know not God won't understand this for the majority are taught by men, and follow false prophets

         When Christ shows himself the world, those who know this shall rejoice, while those who are carnally minded shall be humbled by a truth, which shall be revealed to their mind which shall refute much that they have believed, for our God is a jealous God, and we are not to follow any idols, or bow to any graven image of things that are on the earth in the earth in the sea or in heaven.

         When one bows to a cross, with or without Christ upon it, that is a graven image of something in heaven.  Think about what I said, and ask God if I'm right?

         Why should those who say they follow God, worry about atheists, when they, can't see the log in their own eye, when they are trying to remove a splinter from an others eye?  

  10. I don't consider minimizing the number of irrational, ignorant people on the planet to be a waste of time.

  11. It's fun...

    and free.

  12. The last time we left you guys go totally unchallenged, we got the Dark Ages.  We'd like to avoid a repeat.

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