
Why do athletes take ice baths?

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I see it in movies and ads and such and i don't understand why athletes take ice baths after a workout.




  1. it loosens up your sore muscles...a lot of feild hockey players at my school take them because the coach works them really really hard....after practice they will go home and take an ice bath and by the next day they aren't as sore as they would have been if they didn't...I should start taking them...I'm a cheerleader and I am SOOO sore right now from summer practice!!!!..........hope I helped =]

  2. it gets them cooled off after long work out that they could get over heated by.

  3. because it is a stress releiver and makes em feel good and pumped up after a long game lol, i actually take them too and i play tennis.

  4. cuz they get hurt during the game putting it in cold making it feel better

    my coach said it to take swollen pain away

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